Sunday, October 16, 2011


Have been trying to compose this BLOG for quite some time, computer has been more than 'uncooperative'! Picture this----the picture I have been trying to download for quite sometime because it just amazes me!! A picture of a 'bunch of radishes'---YES---harvested in the middle of October!!! Dinner of last night included from the garden: lettuce; radishes; carrots; spinach; tomatoes; onions---all fresh cause we have NOT had that killer frost YET! Of course, it will soon be here, probably this week. But it just amazes me that we are sooooo enjoying the freshness of radishes and lettuces in the middle of October---a FIRST!!!
OHHH---my computer sucks, have had sooo many problems with it as of late--if this gets beyond my little 'computer world' it truly will be a miracle!!! Will harvest as much as I can tomorrow----that will probably be it----------what a wonderful gardening year!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Thank you Granddaughter (K) and your Husband (T) for the inspiration!!! Been 'planning' to string up a clothesline for several years, just didn't get around to it---always easier to toss clothes in the dryer and fluff, fluff, fluff!!! Came back from that wonderful visit in AZ and put up the clothesline the next day and have been using it (almost) every day! Will be anxious to get next months electric bill to actually get a visual on the $$$$ it may save. Gotta save something! I am one of those persons that re-start the dryer and fluff at least 14 times per load always thinking I will get back to hang up the wrinkle-free garments!!! Have decided that if the clothes can come off the clothesline with wrinkles, then, when I NEED to use the dryer, the clothes can come out of the dryer with wrinkles----NO MORE 14 FLUFFs! Besides---am thinking ---if one's eyes are 'zeroing' in on the wrinkles on my clothes----just maybe---they won't notice those 'OTHER' wrinkles!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Been a pretty busy month! WONDERFUL flying trip to AZ. with daughter to meet and spend time with the new ggson, his Mom and Dad! Wonderful time---great flights, great hospitality, soooooo enjoyed the visit! What a 'cutie patooootie'! How fortunate are you, little Oli, to have the parents you have??? You shall do well, you will always have so much 'family support!' Isn't that what life is about!!! HUGs and KISSIs little Oli, miss you---miss your Mom and Dad---see ya soon!!!

Back home------things are growing,' hoppin,' and a snappin'----garden doing wonderful, much better than expected after the slow start with the cool spring. Been freezing, canning and jammin' everyday since I got back from AZ.!!! That's what this time of year is all about----BUT---it is also the best time of year to clean flower beds, divide plants, plant bulbs and all those great outdoor things, NOT being stuck in the kitchen preparing the 'harvest' that was started in the spring and in need of attention NOW that will be sooooooooo enjoyed this winter!!! Has to be done, will be done, and when it's ALL DONE-----then Mason, you need to scoot over and let me curl up to you and RELAX!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Have been working on this blog (in my mind) since August 13 -- was not able to actually put it in words, will try to make that happen this evening---First of all---August 13---My Granddaughters Birthday---The first one to make me a Gma, that alone, makes you special in my heart and always will be! Fast forward to August 15---my Special Granddaughter and her Very Special Husband made me a GGma!!! WOW! My Cup Runneth Over!!! To my #1 GGson, Oli---WELCOME!!! Can't wait to meet you soon! Fast backwards----to August 13---My beloved Goat Family went to a new home. Let it be known that the home they had here was only the second best home for them, the home they went to is truly the BEST home for them!!! They have so many goat friends, pasture to run and 'frolick,' people that care so much for their animals and I am so happy and thankful that my precious goat family got to go from second BEST to the BEST!!! It would have not been any other way!!! Love the world of goats!!! Most of us, over the years, have always thought of goats as 'stinky,' 'eating tin cans,' 'jumping on hoods of old wrecked cars' (or maybe even the new Lexus in the driveway!). Soooooooo undeserving!!! They are very personable, very entertaining, very lovable, sometimes too much! (not stinky)--I do not have a goat at this time, I DO plan on not going the rest of my life without goats as my pals!! Thank you, you know who, for giving my precious goat family a loving and caring home! Believe me when I say---I do not worry about them and I know they are in the BEST HOME!!! There is a saying that 'A woman wears her tears like jewelry.' This Gma (oopps) GGma wears no jewlery---she does, often shed tears, usually for the love of animals... Wonderful time I had when Grandson (N) came to visit - had a great time!!! Looking forward to the next visit---in the meantime-----------wonder what I did with that box of tissues----

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


YEA!!! My new Blackberry and it's App has finally arrived!!! Been checking on those blackberries for about a week now and was quite surprised this morning to find some 'ripe - n- ready'! Had to get geared up for the 'picking of the blackberries'. This included: long sleeved shirt, even though it's 90 degrees, big, long stick, to hold back the unruly stickers so I can get in as far as possible cause the really big, beautiful blackberries are always just out of reach; hard hat--for the obvious reason! Cell phone--in case I fall into the brambles--and, of course, my trustry side kicks---2 Bassett Hounds, 3 Great Pyrs. and a couple of HUGE HOGS!!! Great cheerleaders, they are??? These Blackberries are NOT the cutsie, compact, no thorny plants of 'today's' gardens-----these are the EVIL, WICKED, RIP YOUR FACE AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO PIECES, 30 foot high plants of yesteryear---ya know, those ones that you can't ever get rid of??? Glad to see they are starting to ripe, will make Blackberry picking part of the morning routine chores, will get what I can without risking life and limb, the birds can have the rest!!! The new Blackberry 'Apps' are those gorgeous PURPLE JALAPENOS that are just coming on! Am thinking there will soon be a 'JAM' session---may even throw the APPS into the mix and spice it up a bit! That Blackberry Cobbler is smelling pretty darn good---may have to check it out!!! By the way------I LOVE my Palm Pre Plus Smart Phone!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Leaders don't create more followers, they create more leaders!!!

Tom Peters...


GOSH----Been awhile---must have been busy round here, of course it has! Those beautiful heads of cabbage that 'where' in the garden, (remember------ only pots., cabbage and onions where doing well), most of those cabbage heads got chopped up and put in the crock with salt, put in a cool place and in about 4 weeks, or so, will become SAUERKRAUT!!! Got smart this year and took everything outside under a shade tree and let the cabbage FLY, as we chopped. Didn't have to worry about it flying around the kitchen!!! Then, when we where done, just took the hose and hosed everything down!!! QUICK -N- EASY!---------Looks like we may have around 10 lbs. and there's more cabbage heads out yonder! Did get to harvest 1 red tomato, sliced it on a bed of home-grown lettuce, topped it with a slice of home-made goat cheese that was dipped in eggs (farm-fresh, of course) panko bread crumbs (store bought) fried; drizzled with some special dressing---can't even remember what else was served for dinner! Can't wait for the next ripe tomato----probably won't have one until the kraut is done!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Actually--- started this blog last night, never did get it finished, had to go rescue a little turkey poult that could not find her way to the 'protected area.' Soooooo-----am starting over! One recent evening, as we where sitting on the front porch watching the lightening show, listening to the sound of the thunder, then checking to make sure all creatures where in their protected areas, we noticed that Snow (muscovy duck hen) and her 4 babies where on the other side of the canal and had no intention of being locked in for the evening. HEY-----if you're a DUCK---would you rather be 'locked in' or 'hanging out on the canal bank???' Snow and her ducklings did NOT come home the next day! Very devistating, did not BLOG it cause I try to stay away from the 'doom and gloom.' Yesterday afternoon, after being gone for 11 days, Snow and 2 of her ducklings came home!!!!!!! OMG!!! We where soooooo thrilled!! Where had they been? What have they been through? How far away from home did they go? Can only speculate as to what happened to the other 2 ducklings, but what a MIRACLE that Snow and 2 ducklings found their way home!!! They have been locked up all last night and all today and will be tonight. I realize, the door must be opened in the morning, and they must be allowed to do what comes 'NATURAL' for them---but I truely do believe having them back, for however long, is a TRUE MIRACLE!!! The picture of the lavender has nothing to do with the story, it is Lavender Season and the BEEZ are loving the lavender---hmmmmm---lavender honey??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grandson N!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!! May we all--------always believe in MIRACLES!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Not a real big 'harvest' at this time, but it is nice to be able to go out and 'harvest' a few things---been 'harvesting' lettuce, spring onions, radishes--- now, the second WAVE is coming on! A few raspberries here, some oregano there, a little bit of sage --- and --- Thank You, President O. for bringing up the 'TIME TO EAT YOUR PEAS' subject cause that reminded me I needed to harvest my peas and get them in the freezer------all done!!! Can't believe I am still planting seeds, transplanting stubborn veggies that haven't done well in the spot they have been in---BUT---BY GOLLY---after planting more beans---they are coming up like crazeeee---ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! Cabbage is almost ready to harvest---onions and pots. looking really good---am thinking this year we will take what we get and be thankful for it!!! PLEEZE------- may one of those 3 green Heirloom Toms. ripen overnight, and be ready to pluck and consume tomorrow-------probably NOT!!! (can't wait for the first ripe tom.) NOW--------------there's a BLOG to anticapate!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


4th of July weekend---I fixed a big, beeeuteeful, succulent ham, next to the last ham in the freezer. Thawed it out, stuck it on the baking pan--NO--cutsie cloves poked into the ham for decoration---NO brown sugar crusties spread over it for flavor, NO pineapple juices or slices for decoration---NOT even any Salt and Pepper!!! Possibly theeeeeeeeee most 'carefree' ham I have ever stuck in the oven, and believe me, that's all I did was STICK IT IN THE OVEN!!! It occurred to me that I am 'COOKING FOR MY DOGS AND WE GET THE LEFTOVERS!!! No seasonings go on anything that the dogs may eventually eat!!! They really really eat GRAND!!! Am thinking about fixing a Heritage Turkey for the weekend, am thinking about dousing it with FRESH SAGE, BUTTER, GARLIC, ONIONS, LOTSA SALT AND PEPPA---------Anything else I may rangle up from the Herb Garden---looking for FLAVOR, FLAVOR and MORE FLAVOR!!! HEY DOGS----How about some PEDIGREE out of a can??? ------------------ (at least for 1 meal)!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


As promised------pictures of the 'cuter than cute' Nubian baby goats!!! Seem to all be doing very well. Mom, for the first time as a Mom, seems to be taking it all in stride! Kuddos---to you Mom, Babe!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!! OK---let's see---as of now, we have baby goats, baby turkey poults, baby silkie chicks, baby ducks, baby goslings (geese)!!! Thank Heaven---dogs and cats have been to see our Vet (Best Friend)!

Wonderful time with a couple of grandsons---enjoyed every moment!!! Miss you, boyzzzzzz---come visit again, soon!

Planted more pole green beans today, 3rd time (charm?) if not, last time I'm planting and the local produce stand will become my 'NEW BEST FRIEND'!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Just look at me, Avalon, the best milk goat in the whole world!!! Do I really look like I could be a G'ma of 4??? My daughter, Babe---gave birth on 6/30/2011 exactly on her due date, to 4 precious little kids. Two boys, two girls, no problems---she was a trooper (just like her Mom--- must have taught her well!!). All healthy, jumpin' around and feeling friskeeeee! Am sure the person that is typing this will post some really really cute pictures of my grandkids, shortly!!! OH-------- by the way------I am DUE any day now, usually deliver 2---NOT even looking to break my daughters record, 1 would be just fine!!! (or so I am told)!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


A while back, I had an excited msg. on my voice mail from my Sister!! IMMEDIATELY --called her back to see 'what the heck' was going on! She told me she had jumped out of an airplane!!! After about (what seemed like a 10 minute pause on my end) I had to ask the obvious question-----"ON PURPOSE???" Come to find out, this has been a 'life long' dream of hers!!! I say she is CRAZEEEE---but---Sis, gotta hand it to you----accomplished something you have been passionate about your whole life!!! My 'straw' hat is off to you, KID!!! I can't even get up the courage to pick up an onion laying off the side of the road that fell off the onion truck!!! Keep on fullfilling those dreams (no matter how crazeee it makes me!!). ---------- Some peoples gardens really grow great this time of year--am thinking my garden is 'shrinking'! Potatoes, onions and cabbage are doing GREAT! Tizzzzzzz a good thing I have a weeeee bit of the Irish in me - cause it doesn't look like there will be a lot of other things! Have replanted several things (several times)! Did find 3 beans that are growing pretty darn good! At least I can make a 3-Bean Salad!!! What does a 3-Bean Salad have to do with my Crazeee Sister??? Absolutely NOTHING!!! I don't even know if she likes 3-Bean Salad----------but then, I didn't know she wanted to jump out of an airplane!!! ps: didn't Crazeee Sister promise me some photos???

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Realize I have some major catching up to do and will do without the picture of the KATSUP bottle (this time)! So am just going to rush through with the

'what the HELL had been going on' as fast as I can!!! Left off with the planting of tom. plants (prior to the wonderful lady next door)... Tom. plants?---ended up planting 18 tom. plants. Was informed that evening that 5 of my recently planted tom. plants where 'DESTROYED' by 'cute little doves'!!! Doves are supposed to 'cooooooooo and just look cute!' NOT DESTROY!!!! I sat on the kitchen floor and cried---Gus dropped his favorite chew toy in my lap, I cried harder!!! Decided to give the destroyed toms. a chance to come back to life, did NOT happen, so replanted and just MOVED ON!!! Things have been happening: Graduation for #4 (N) grandson! Honour Society!! My 'cup runneth over'------how proud are we??? Pretty obvious that he does NOT take after his G'ma! #5 grandson (A) was climbing a tree, fell out, major surgery, cast! Screwed up his summer!!! (possibly---more like his G'ma!). Lotsa babies: turkeys, goslings, duckies, chickies! Some garden things are doing great---pots., onions, cabbage--other things are struggling (the important things) like Heirloom Toms.!!! Shower for granddaughter, major hightlight! Little 'O' is doing great!!! The picture is that of a 'bee swarm'! Sometimes, for whatever reason, bees just decide to move on----that's what these guys did! Pretty sure they are some of our bees, have had 'other' bees end up here and retrieved them! Hopefully--these guys will land someplace where there is a home and are not destroyed!!! While trying to retrieve this swarm---------I actually got stung, once------on the forehead-------I have noticed since the sting that there are NO wrinkles on my forehead!!! Perhaps---------a little 'sting' in various other wrinkled places would fill in nicely and I could knock a few years off this weathered, aged face without going 'under the knife' (not that I would)---just a little 'sting' here and there (as opposed to a tuck here and there!!!!!!) No botox needed!!!...Will be monitoring that!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sharing this beautiful Rose because it was the contact picture on my cell phone of a dear, sweet lady that 'was called home' this week. My dear friend, my dear neighbor... Not that she was a 'friend of flowers' cause when she received flowers for all those wonderful 'flower holidays' she would enjoy them for a while and then have me retrieve them and give them a home and hopefully a life! They came to my flower beds and will be enjoyed for, hopefully, many years! What can I say about my dear neighbor/friend??? She would have been 92 years in August of this year! Peacefully, met her maker as she sat in her chair, watching her favorite news station----------Her mind was totally intact---I can think of many challenging conversations we had on many various topics---especially POLITICS!!!!!!! OMG! We where not even on the same page--but it was always a 'Great Debate' heated controversy, then "Love ya---talk later"! Her mind was there, her body was pooped. If you know an elderly person----talk to them, pick their brain, they know so much about history cause they have LIVED it! They love to TALK, you need to LISTEN----do NOT let this wonderful opportunity pass you by--YOU will benefit! I Love you, I Miss you! Thank you for every moment we have shared! XOXOXO!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


It has probably been about 3 years since we have enjoyed the beautiful Golden Chain blooms. Early bloomer, so it usually freezes just as the blooms come on----OR----if it actually gets to bloom---the wind will blow the blooms away. Gpa took this picture while it was in it's full glory! Both trees are simply gorgeous this year and we are really enjoying them!! Wonderful Middle School Graduation, Dear Grandson!!! It was a great, though hectic, time!! Got the enjoyable opportunity of visiting with friends, family and aquaintances that I have not seen for many years. The topic of conversation was pretty much the same----------"How did these kids grow up sooo fast??" Hang onto your hats young graduates----The wonderful world of 'LIFE' is going to FLASH by----make EVERY SINGLE MOMENT COUNT!!! Keep in touch with your friends and family. The Golden Chain of friendship is a strong and blessed tie, binding kindred hearts together as the years go (flying) by (Helen Steiner Rice). OH-------------and by the way------Golden Chain trees are for gazing upon and enjoying-------don't eat a Golden Chain Tree, they are poisonous!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yeah---sometimes good help really is hard to find!!! Yesterday---planted 15 Heirloom Tomatoes--- that requires 15 holes, dug about a foot deep, filled with lotsa water, backfilled with 'good' dirt, tomato plopped into its new home, more water and ready to do what a good tomato will do---- According to my calculations---15 tom. plants, each hole dug approx. a FOOT deep---am thinking if I dug one hole for all the digging I did, it would have been one hole 15 feet deep! Maybe that's why I am finding a few sore muscles today! Gotta love my helper, Gus! Sometimes the 'really good help' does not need to be there for 'hands on'----they just need to be there for 'MORAL SUPPORT'! Gotta Love Gus!! He's a really good moral supporter (I think)!!! (he must have supported too hard??)...

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Been just a tad bit busy around here lately! Have had hatchings of DUCKS, CHIX, TURKEYS and all the TRAUMA that goes with----Little Buff Silkie Chix in the upper pix.---Her Mom decided she would rather set on more eggs than be a Mom, scooped little Silkie Chix up and brought her inside. The stuffed dog became her Mom and worked out great, little Silkie Chix slept under her just as she would do her real Mom, BUT---not wanting her to be alone---along came a Turkey Poult that was just hatched today and she became the step-sibling of the Silkie Chix with the 'Pretend Mom!' Seems to be working out just fine, am sure we will be adding to the 'normal, disfunctional family' and all will be well! OK-----------gotta toss in some other 'goingsONs.' Baby shower for granddaughter----awsome!!! Great visit with her! Wonderful time!!! Planted peas are up, sweet peas are in, harvesting the salad greens from the LATTICE GARDEN! Some toms. planted, more will go in the ground tomorrow! It's rained, the wind has blown, it hasn't froze and there are pears, peaches, apples, almonds and golden chains coming on. All have frozen the past years. Am thinking the upcoming weekend is going to be very buzeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


OK--OK!!! Put the straw hat away!!! Better get out the umbrellas and a BOAT!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


The first memories I have of my Paternal Grandmother was working along side her in her garden, somewhere around the age of 3-4 (ish). (yes, yes, long, long ago!) She always wore a BIG straw hat. She always wore that BIG straw hat when she was out in the boat fishing, as the lady LOVED to fish!!! Her garden, as I remember it, was the most beeeeeutiful garden in the whole world! Grandmother's garden actually was surrounded by a white picket fence! SERIOUSLY!!! A garden with a WHITE PICKET FENCE! It just doesn't get any better than that!!! As I recall--------I don't even think there where any weeds in Grandmother's garden!!! (gotta love those memories)! She was always 'working' in her garden, I was always making the most gorgeous mud pies under one of her apple trees! In those days, a lady never exposed her skin to the sun, those gals where so smart! All you red-headed, fair-skinned offspring of mine------------PLEEZ, PLEEZ put a hat on your head when you are outside!!!! Master D.----when you are golfing, put on the hat, Mrs. K. ---when you are gardening, put on the hat, etc. etc. to the rest of U's!!! What is it you need to keep under your hat, you ask???? WELLL---your HEAD, of course!!! Whatever became of my Grandmother with the big straw hat? I look at her every morning in the mirror. I have become that G'ma-----------A message to Edna------'May I follow your footsteps down that garden path and inspire others as you did me, dear Lady.' The best accessories a farm gal/guy can have-----a good straw hat, a good pair of work gloves, and some packets of seeds!!! Life is good!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Realizing this is not the greatest picture in the world, I just had to share it because it is an UNUSUAL picture. As I was taking my walk yesterday morning, I saw our 4 geese, Carey, Sophie, Claire and Marcelle MarssO swimming in the canal----peacefully, not bothering anything or tormenting anybody, or trying to pluck a feather from some unsuspecting duck or chicken!! Sometimes they want to make ME pull my hair out! (no feathers in my head---but can be sure I have been called a 'feather head' by some of YOU!!!). The geese where just sooooooo peacefull. I was very proud of them. They where even eating things in the water that geese are supposed to eat! Maybe that will cut down on the feed bill a bit!!! Remember back to the blogs of 'Goose B Gone'- 'I'm King of the World' - 'Father Goose'???? They can really be 'out there' and be a nuisance at times, but remembered some Goose Facts that I had read long ago and will share a couple:

The geese flying in formation HONK to encourage those up front to keep up their speed!!! (how cool is that?)!

If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong!!! Hey-----next time you see and hear those geese flying in the sky---look up, salute------ and appreciate them!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHER'S!!! What a wonderful celebration day! For those of you that know our Gracee and how evil, wicked, hateful and bitchy she could be, she was an absolute WONDERFUL MOTHER!!! No, she didn't just have pups, these are pictures from several years ago of Gus and Gracee's one and only batch of puppies! What a HOOT those puppies where. Born in DECEMBER when there was lots and lots of snow on the ground, but they did have their outdoor play time and did climb 'snow mountains' everywhere. It was fun------------wouldn't wanna do it again! Here's to all you MOM's no matter what your breed----Celebrate your Day, you have earned it!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011


BEE UPDATE----Sorry, my computer has been 'touch & go' for about a week, hopefully everything will be working ok for awhile. Had to break down and call the computer tech!!! The bees have all been placed in their 3 hives and are doing BEEutifully! It's been quite surprizing to see how many blooms there are actually around that they are taking full advantage of. Pear, apple, peach, almond trees are all in bloom, and they are loving the Dandy Lions!!! A very good reason to let them grow and not POISON them! There is a BEE in the middle of the flower getting that yummy nector to take back to the hive! Congratulations to the Honor Society Grandson!!! (N)... Awsome job!!! Yur the BEEZ kneez!!! Check out Blake Shelton's song----Honey Bee. You all BEE of good cheer!!! OK ----Honey's-------------Later---

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Logan, Utah---what a beautiful city, with spectacular snow-covered mountains as a backdrop! Had never been there before yesterday. 5 1/2 hr. drive from our home to Logan, Utah. We drove there yesterday and back home the same day! Gpa and I where on the road 12 hrs!!! And 'why?' you ask?????? Check out Blog 4/24/10 in reference to the loss of our bees. The bees needed to be replaced and Logan, Utah was the nearest place that we could go and get them. So we got in the SUBEE (Blog 3/18/10) appropriately named for a BEE trip, huh? (just a coincidence) really means Subaru, left home at 7:14 am after chores, drove approx. 400 miles, a few of those where LOST miles cause Gma canNOT read directions----sorry----stopped only for gas, split a 6" subway sandwhich (that's a 3" sandwich for each of us--yummmm!), gathered up the 3 packages of bees--each pkg. containing between 10 and 12 THOUSAND bees!!! Put them in the back seat of the SUBEE----- HEY----- boys and girls and you 3 Queen Beez----buckle up----we are headed for home!!! Kind of eery at first, thinking that there where 30 THOUSAND PLUS- bees sitting in our back seat, but they where very well behaved (beehived!) all the way home! (did have 1 escapee, had to stop and roll down the window and send it on its way, hopefully it flew back from wence it came)!!

G'pa installed one pkg. of bees in their new hive today and as they settle, the rest will go into their new homes. It is going to be very nice to have the bees again. No honey this year, as the bees will get most all of it to get through this coming winter but next year----we should have lots and lots of 'Liquid Gold.' All in all----it was a pretty good drive, saw some new country, the weather was good from the inside of the car, and the SUBEE is a comfortable car to take a long road trip in. AND----THAT WAS A 750 mile LONG--- ROAD TRIP!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Many, many years ago, G'Pa and I owned a restaurant that we loved dearly. Really great 'homemade' food and 'hard-pack' - 'old-fashioned' milkshakes---Yeeeummmm, sounds good, huh? G'Pa and I never agreed on how to make an 'old-fashioned- banana shake----He says 'bananas on the bottom' in the shake machine so the customer will get that big chunk of bananas and know it's a homemade shake. I always said 'bananas on the top' so the fresh bananas would be 'whirled' all about in the shake machine and every bite would have banana 'chunks.' Bless our crew, they always knew what to do-----if G'Pa was on shift, bananas where on the BOTTOM, if I was on shift, bananas on the TOP!! That wonderful crew sooooooooo worked it out!!! These days, on our small farm, G'Pa does chores HIS WAY---I do chores MY WAY-----we do it different----end result is always the same----nobody goes hungry, everyone is fed and well satisfied! As long as you have the same goal and you make it happen-------that is what counts!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SISTER----HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAUGHTER!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hope one and all had a great Easter Day! Pretty much a perfect day here! Easter Menu: Baked Ham; Potato & Goat Cheese Gratin; Deviled Eggs (of course, an abundance of eggs around here) Sourdough Biscuits; YES, from SCRATCH, from real SOURDOUGH; Strawberry-Jello Cake and Jello Shooters!!! What's a 'jello shooter', you ask? Wellllll--that's when you forget about your strawberry jello firming up in the fridge and it is really tooooooo late to put the bananas in---(never too late) sooooo you slice the bananas and moooosh them into the jello so they are completely covered, put the jello/banana mixture in a 'shooter' glass (cute one) add a dolop of whipping cream and it is transformed into that delicious, awsome jello-shooter!!! There is your recipe 'of the month!' The potato & goat cheese gratin-----this is a recipe that I have been making for years and BUYING goat cheese, a very expensive product---sooooooooooo I went out and bought the goats so I could make my own 'goat cheese' PERFECT---we now have the potato & goat cheese gratin frequently--may have saved many $$$$$$$ in the long run---probably NOT! But----love having my goats around! No TV--------remember? It was a cooking day with background music from the 70's and 80's - AWSOME!!! Now days, I only spend all day in the kitchen cooking on 3 holidays a year----that would be Thanksgiving, Easter and----------------------OK---2 Holidays a year!!! Really enjoyed the cooking, music listening day---Perfect Easter Day!!! Hope you all had a perfect day, too!!! (fixed pig fence this morning, think maybe FeeBee won't be out strolling ahead of me!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Before that first, crucial, all-important cup of coffee, before it was even barely light--- outside my kitchen window I caught a visual of something really BIG, really BLACK strolling through an area that this really Big, really Black thing should NOT have been strolling through!!! OMG!!!!---the hogs are out of their designated area, in a NON-designated area!!! Hard for me to move very fast before that first cupper---but by golly, I did!! Had to see what the damage was and whom all was out strolling! FeeBee---she is such a trouble maker, first one out,but the other two followed! Ran for the orange pig bucket trying to trick them into following me back to their area-----HAAA HAAA HAAA!! They seemed as if they where only 'exploring' and beings these kids are creatures of habit, thought I would let them munch on the pasture this side and they would eventually stroll on back to their Hog Heaven for their daily pig snooze. They had to explore EVERYTHING--now--- we are talking about a total of 1400 lbs. of 'pork on hoof' total and that may be on the lite side! It was when FeeBee (trouble maker) decided she wanted to root up an area inside the silkie's pen, like she thought maybe she was digging for truffles, and silkies where carrying on, cackeling like crazy that I decided enough was enough!!! Grabbed a rake that she had knocked down, put it horizontally across her backside and litaerally PUSHED her back to her pen!!! Huntley followed, (thank Heaven) and Faith was already close to the area (than Heaven). This was approx. a 4 hr. ordeal! Did manage, during that time, to finish the other chores, gather and sell some farm fresh duck eggs in the amount of $14.00. Coffee and shower around noon. Let's see-------------- $14.00 for 4 hrs. of real physical (and mental) work equals approx. $3.50 per hr. Wonder how long it will take to earn enough $$$$$$$ to repair the Mulefoot's Fence???

Monday, April 18, 2011


Note, the black screen---there are 3 TV's in this home that are in total 'blackout' this evening and will be until September 15, YIKES!!! Something we have talked about for many years - have the cable disconnected during the spring and summer because we are NEVER in the house to watch anything on TV and everything is usually a RERUN-and are usually outside doing 'outside' things-------Decided to take the plung this year as a test run! Here we are INSIDE looking at 3 BLACK TV screens that have been unplugged and disconnected because the wind is blowing hard, it's gonna freeze and is just sooooo 'not' an outside evening!!! G'pa is watching Star Trek on the laptop, I have radio on and doing this blog! We shall carry on and seek entertainment! I have never, ever in my life, since TV was invented, been 'without'. G'pa spent a year 'without' and read a bunch of books. This was in the day before internet, MP3 players, audio books, etc. etc. He really did go 'cold turkey'! Speaking of cold turkey---better go lock in the 'cold feathered friends' and see (HEAR) what's on the radio!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

'P' DAY!!!

Actually had to break down and BUY some peas, (on sale, of course) cause the peas from last years garden are GONE! Planted peas today. Lotsa peas---still have some seeds left so will plant the rest of them. LOVE PEAS!!! Especially when they come right out of the garden!!! Cleaned up garden area, did some roto-tilling, major weeding, some mowing, goats got out and about-------Sounds like it was another PERFECT SPRING DAY!!! That it was---but won't last for long, going back into freezing mode, but sure have enjoyed these 2 days. Need to have a huge garden this year as the freezers are getting M.T.! Pleez pass the PEAS!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Truly was THE perfect Spring Day!!! The SUN did shine (for a while). Got up to 70 degrees. Plants got moved out into the greenhouse and will remain there OVERNIGHT------UNCOVERED!!! How brave am I??? Supposed to only get down to 47, am thinking that 15 degrees above freezing should be pretty safe. Pleez Pleez Pleez don't freeze! G'Pa tilled up a garden spot for peas, hopefully, they will go in the ground tomorrow! OH---back to the perfect Spring Day---- Sun was out, then the cloud cover, then it really did do a Spring rain this evening, but everything is looking lush green and got a bit of moisture! BBQued hot dogs and had potato(e) salad---------NOW---------that is a sure sign of SPRING!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IT'S A 'FAMILY AFFAIR'!!!!!!!!!!!

Our little Partridge Silkie 'Companion Setter' came out with 3 cute, little silkie chix. yesterday! She had them 'out and about' immediately. Personally-----I think she was just showing them off!! Something really cool about Silkie Chickens---they are all protective, even the roosters---truly is a 'family affair!' Tried to post last night, but computer was uncooperative. Just got through raining really really hard. The sun was out yesterday and was a beautiful sunny day! (see the beautiful shadows?) Not today----plants got to spend last night in 'butt ugly' greenhouse, but am going to go retrieve them now cause it's gonna freeze tonite!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Congratulations to Charl Schwartzel of South Africa, on winning the green jacket! I truly believe that was the most exciting Masters I have ever watched, and I have seen lots of them! Took advantage of the 'sore back'---had a heating pad, some pain killers and a few beers and watched most of The Masters, enjoyed every minute of it! Hmmmmmmmmmm, may have to hack back lavender next year just prior to The Masters!!!


We gardeners have certainly heard of 'companion planting'---but---seems as if these moderen chix. are into 'companion setting!' In the days of yesteryear when a hen was setting on her eggs, NOONE, person or feathered friends could get anywhere near her, cause she had important things to do like hatching out her eggs and you DID NOT INTERFERE!!! Well----these new MODERN hens prefer to have a companion during their setting time. We have tried to discourage it, but they always seem to work it out and we have chose to let the hens do what they want to do! Am sure they know what they are doing and it always works out after the hatch, they even share baby chix! Always amazing!!! Anyway, White Silkie Girl and Partridge Silkie Girl have decided to 'Companion Set'. Guess if they had cell phones they could keep in touch that way!!! THEY should be hatching shortly, last count was 7 eggs under them! Am anxiously waiting for those little 'peeping' sounds!!! Gma has a very sore back today----over did it when hacking back the lavender plants that should have been hacked back last fall. (muscles would have been better condition back them)! OUCH! I am going to do what I have to do, then grab a heating pad and sit back and watch the Masters. Maybe I will grab Gpa and we will do some 'Companion Setting' while watching the Masters!!! Come on Freddy Couples!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Stevie, Stevie, Stevie----She is my youngest Muscovy Duck Hen! Hatched out by Cocoa, Muscovy Hen, who also hatched out the baby geese last year, cause Claire (goose) layed her goose eggs and left the nest. Put her goose eggs and the one duck egg under Cocoa and she finished the job! Stevie is so so so personable, kinda lives in a world of her own, not quite 'part of the group' but has personality PLUS!!! She is in her own little world, does her 'duck walk' with an ATTITUDE and I just love her to pieces!!! Hopefully, she is not planning on moving into that little house she is perched on, cause then we will have to have a 'heart to heart' talk and I will just have to tell her she ain't going to have room for furnishings!!!

Did the 'R' word AGAIN today----did not just Rain but it also hailed, or ---- as I refer to it--------it HELLED!!! Had a wonderful phone conversation with Baby Sister last evening! Always come away from those chats with a 'smile on my face.' THEN---had a surprise call from a Grandson, telling me about his day of branding (calves) and how much he enjoyed it! Not a lot of branding going on now days, will soon be one of those 'things of the past' but thank you to those of you that still brand and invite the young to observe the wonderful way things where done 'yesteryear' and thank you for serving up the Rocky Mountain Oysters!!! That experience is a Memory that will never be forgotten!!! Thank you for including my grandsons!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011


And-------how much lattice did I plant??? you ask! Several different varieties, along with some spinach, some chard, salad onions, some lattices and radishes! 74 degrees today!! Could not help but be outside this wonderful sunny day! Did I say 'sunny?' YES!!! The sun was out!!! ALL DAY! It was soooooooooo pleasant--feel as though I may have awakened some 'unused' muscles. OH WAIT----Actually----it's even hard to type cause of the 'gripping and ripping' the unwanted grasses and weeds in the two raised beds that I worked on, my hands are screaming PAIN! Well worth it!!! Can't wait to have a bbqued chicken, ribs, steak with those wonderful greens from the Lattice Garden!!! Yummm! Soooooooooo- you may ask why I call this my 'Lattice Garden?' With 4 cats, and another cat that has 'dropped in at meal time' I prefer not to call this the 'Litter Box Garden!!!'

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March in a nutshell----March started out- 60 degrees, do not believe we have seen that since. Probably have only seen the sun a TOTAL of, maybe, 3 hrs.!!! (all month) Had ---- snow, rain, hail, thunder & lightening, freeze, freeze, and more freeze-- did I say RAIN!!! Oh, yeah---some wind, also. Not just WIND---but really COLD wind!! Let's mooooove on----Happy Birthday to Son and Mother! Cancer free daughter---OH---did I mention that daughter is going to be a Grandmother and have many many happy years with her grandSON??? GrandSON will moving to another state so think that maybe some 'frequent flyer miles' will be in the future!!! Thoughts and Prayers still going out to the people of Japan. Animals-----Ducks are laying like crazeeee, have a couple of chickens that want to set on eggs, and we say 'GO FOR IT'!!! Geese and turkeys are laying and soon should be setting! Goats just wanna hang out INSIDE cause they are not BAD WEATHER goats!!! Lotsa mud around, but 2 days of the wind blowing will take care of that! Baby Javas are doing GRAND! Waiting for warmer nights and the Javas will graduate to the great 'protected' outer area with a heat lamp til they get used to the BIG OUTSIDE WORLD!!! All in All----that is March in a nutshell!! March totally FLEW by and there was NOT a dull moment---would have liked more SUN!!! Hear that APRIL???

Sunday, March 27, 2011


These words will be typed in gray letters, cause that is still the way the weather is here. GRAY, GRAY, grEy!! Rains during the day, freezes at night, the plants are still going back and forth daily to Butt Ugly greenhouse! Feel as thought I am living on the Oregon Coast instead of sunny Rural Ideeeeeho!! Why, I can almost feel the ocean touching my toes, I can almost taste clam chowder and salt water taffy! Speaking of salt water----I can almost feel salt spray on my face-----HEY-----is that a Starfish over there??? Pleeez, SUNSHINE, I am missing you sooooo much, come back to me!!

Hey----Forget the rain---- this is much more important and I am going to quote my daughter--------2 shots $$$$$, 1 radiation pill $$$$$, 1 ct scan $$$$$, 1 phone call saying 'Cancer Free' --- PRICELESS!!! Could not have said it any better! Thank You ALL for your prayers, Thank You God for answering all those prayers!!! Life is GOOD, who cares if it rains all the time???

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I recently heard my Grandaughter say that "G'mas house was the stop before the dump!" I had to LAFF OUT LOUD! It is sooooo true, my grandkids know me toooooo well! Hence, this beautiful fountain was destined for dumpville and saved by the grandsons----it just looked like something that would work at G'mas house and it DID! We love it to pieces and can't wait for it to be flowing again, SOON, love that bubbling, gurgling (sp) sound of water, not to mention the plants that surround it! My hope for my grandchildren is that they learn as much from me as I learn from them!!! Kinda dark in the house-----have recently learned to TURN OFF THE LIGHTS if I leave a room!!! Thanx------2 u no who!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


45 degrees in 'Butt Ugly' greenhouse at 6 am this morning!!! Think the plants slept snuggly------------------even if I didn't!!! Later------------------

Monday, March 14, 2011


Sunny day today---so-- once again packed all plants out to the greenhouse to 'soak up the RARE sun that we have had. FINALLY-----it is not supposed to freeze tonite, soooooooo---should I or shouldn't I? Should I or shouldn't I? Finally made the ultimate decision to leave plants in the greenhouse overnight, totally covered with blankets over the plastic covers (really not blankets---just old curtains, sheets, pieces of fabric that have been around for years and years just for 'plant covering' purposes wheather it be in the Spring or in the Fall---whenever our friendly weatherman reports that it may FREEZE!!! Sooooo-the 'green children' are spending their first night OUT in the greenhouse! Do have a heater out there, but with big hole in roof thought it would be a waste of precious $$$$$ to turn it on and have $$$$$ go out the roof!!! We shall see what happens in the morning!!! Will I get any sleep tonight? Will I give in and go pack the plants all back inside? Will I have to start planting all over again? Well--------will let you know tomorrow----OH, BY THE WAY--------------after I got through covering all plants feeling confident that with a bit of protection they would NOT freeze--------------I went over to the water hook-up and UNhooked the hose----------------just in case it froze!!! Go Figure!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Very sad day---earthquake in Japan, lots of lives lost and am sure there will be more---I soooo appreciate everyday!

The hatch is done, ended up with 24---very good hatch! Embrace EVERY DAY!!! Don't forget
that time changes this weekend! Love Life!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


WOW!!! What a coming out party we have been having!!! Pleez refer back to Feb. 16---32 Java eggs in the incubator, waiting for 21 days, which was yesterday---these chickees where right on Q!!! Started hatching yesterday EXACTLY on time! We figured on a 50% hatch which is pretty normal and OK-----as of this evening----we have a hatch of 24!!! AMAZING!!! That's like 2 dozen new chicks---- was not counting on 24 more chickens!!! Maybe 12!!! Looks like there may be 1 more chick to hatch, will see!!! This has been so exciting that we may have to start another batch shortly until a Mom gets ready to set and do the job for us! WE LOVE THESE JAVAS!!! The dark chicks are Black Javas, the light chicks are Mottled Javas-RARE breed!!! Rained a lot these past couple of days, but everything is turning GREEN!!! Update later-------

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


YEAH----know it's hard to believe that I am posting something that is NOT about the animals---just wanted you to see what was 'under' and 'around' the animals!!! Just that there is no place around here that I can take a picture of anything that does NOT have an animal in it! They are EVERYWHERE!!! It's either an animal or a hose, usually a hose in a picture---This picture is all about the SNOW!!! Snowed almost ALL day long, quite a surprise--figured it would rain but not snow!!! Chicks in the incubator are pipping (trying to break out of their egg shells) we shall see what the morning brings!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY #1 SON!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

TRASH TALKIN'----------------------------

NOT quite sure how this picture came about, am sure that it came about at least 6 yrs. ago at Christmas time----that makes me confident that it totally was an ACCIDENT and the 'real focus' was surely on something else! That said----it is possible that the person who took this picture was, possibly, OUT OF FOCUS!!! YES, there is a partner to this SLIPPER----How many of you can admit to having a pair of slippers that has lasted approximately 30 YEARS??? These deer -hide slippers have!!! They have been around for numerous marriages, divorces, births, many relocations, seen the inside of many many different closets----probably have stepped on a lot of (really strange) things----cause they have truly NOT been PAMPERED!!! They totally gave up tonite, TOTALLY----not even possible to strap duck tape on them and hope for more!!!They went in the TRASH------but----for some reason, that does not seem like a good ending for them. May have to pluck them out and give them a decent burial ---- they have soooooo earned it!!! Will have to shop for a replacement----but there will NEVER be a pair that could take their place!!! Farewell, dear friends!!! (ps---the UGLY gold carpet beneath SLIPPER is long gone)!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


COCOA---------Muscovy Duck Hen---the picture makes her look gray, when she is truly COCOA colored, brown with just a bit of gray---maybe my smartphone camera ain't soooo smart, after all!!! Young duck, very friendly!!! Her Momma, Sally, came from Wisconsin. Actually had Sally shipped from 'there to here' cause that was back in the day when there where NO Muscovy Ducks in this area! Or, any that I could find!!! Cocoa is a 'sweetie' a real PET, glamour girl, Great Mother, last year was her first year for hatching! LUV her to pieces!!!
OK-----started out raining this morning, doom and gloom! Thought the day was going to be totally 'indoor' so planned for it! THEN --- the SUN came out and---- plants where transported to BUTT UGLY greenhouse and did some transplating out yonder (80 degrees in there) had to find something to do in BUTT UGLY!!! When doing Sunday morning chores, always listen to Gospel Music on my MP3---enjoyed Alan Jackson's Precious Memories, check it out----------AWSOME!!! Sundays is ironing day---so put Social Network in the VCR---actually--pretty good movie, wasn't sure if I would like it, but DID! Reading (listening to) 'Blood, Bones & Butter' by Gabrielle Hamilton, a Chef---am in the 'Butter' part am in loving it! Bucket List --go to Italy!!!
The fried chicken that was going to happen tonite turned into a 'roasted chicken' less muss, less fuss, was AWSOME---I do believe it was one of Louie's cousins----Java Rooster and he was WUNDERFULLLLLLLLL!!! OH- OH- OH-----------incubater??? took the 32 eggs out of the automatic turner today, they do not need to be on an automatic turner when they are about to hatch getting 'turned' and 'jostled' around---3 more days and we will see what we have!!! Louie's Babies!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

OHHHHHH---------------HOW I LOVE SILK!!!

Silk sheets?? Sure------they are mighty fine! Silk stockings?? Really---- doesn't work around here! (wool is much better)! Silk worms?? Wonderful little creatures, love what they make, but a REAL worm makes REALLY good compost!! Silk jammies! OH YEAH!!!! AHHH- wonderful thing, until you put them with the silk sheets---then it's a night of--- HANG ON TIGHT!!!
My favorite SILK in the whole world are my SILKIE CHICKENS!!! First got Silkies in 2000 and have not been without since. Their feathers feel sooooooooo silky! Small(ish) chicken, great mothers, great broody hens. You can put a pile of rocks under them and they won't leave until the rocks HATCH!!! Our broodie silkies have hatched out turkey eggs, duck eggs, any other eggs that we have put under them. The reason we have Silkies is only because they are soooo cute, and soooo comical to watch. They live in the front area of our place, are true 'yard ornaments' with comments from people that occasionally drive by and enjoy watching them. They are sooooooo entertaining!! Busy, busy all day long!! They are for SHOW and GLOW! (and for hatching any and everything)!! See----they do have their own purpose here! Interesting thing about a Silkie chicken----------------- they have black skin under those beautiful silkie feathers!!
Have a request for fried chicken, mashed pots., gravy and homegrown corn for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Certainly will NOT be a SILKIE---------------------they are sooooooo safe from the fryer!!! SILKIES ROOL!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


REMEMBER 'that butt ugly' picture of the greenhouse from yesterday's blog?????? That Butt Ugly greenhouse had a whole bunch of company today----all plants where packed out to it and got to soak up some of those glorious sun rays today!!! Perked them right up! NEVER EVER underestimate the power of SUN RAYS!!! Plants felt good, dogs felt good, chickens where dusting up a storm (their version of a tanning bed)! I felt GREAT!!! Even did some spring cleaning (inside). Know that sounds crazy to be INSIDE on a beautiful, sunny day-----but----- because the Bassets spent the day OUTSIDE---that gave me the opportunity to vacuum the dog hair off the furniture and polish the wood floors-----been awhile!!! (A long while)! Sposed to rain for the rest of the week----BUT---------60 degreeez today & got a lot done!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


An admission----I do NOT have the cutest greenhouse there ever was! BUT--------there is a bit of history that goes with the UNcutest greenhouse there 'ever was.'-------------We bought the 'ugly greenhouse' about 11 seasons ago (before Craigslist). Homemade---put it on the back of a flat bed trailer and drove EVERY back road possible to get it HOME.
Paid---like---minimum $$$ for it with the hope that it would last for a 'couple' of seasons-------HONESTLY----that was 11 YEARS ago!!!!!!! Can you just imagine how many plants every year that has been grown in this greenhouse for the past 11 years??? How much FOOD it has provided for us??? HOW much 'enjoyable' time I have spent in this 'uncute' greenhouse for all these years??? It was only supposed to last a 'couple' of seasons! Will admit--this year it does have a really big hole in the top of it, may just throw some plastic over it---it has been BLOWN away--totally, BLOWN AWAY---had to rescue it and bring it back from wence it was blown! My most favorite place to be when the SUN shines and I can hang out in the UNcute greenhouse. Can NOT wait for the sun to shine so I can beeeeeeee there!
OHHHHH-speaking of 'book by the cover'---am reading (listening to) Pride and Predudice, that classic-------my original thought was booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrring------but got the 'mind set' as to the time frame it was happening (early 1800's) and OH MY GOSH---life was not as it now. (thank Heaven!). Am sure it was required reading back when I was in school (yes, they did have books!)---am sure I chose NOT to read it, am sure I would have not understood it THEN---am understanding it NOW!!! With all the years BEHIND me-----I have learned NOT to judge a book by it's cover!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


KINDA----------watchin' the Academy Awards! So far---have not seen a single movie that is up for an AWARD!!! But----eventually----plan on seeing them all. Took me 30 years to see 'GONE WITH THE WIND' (well worth the wait), have read (listened) to the book 3 times, sooooooooooo----there is hope to see all the potential winners---may take a while, but there is always something to look forward to. MAY THE BEST MOVIE WIN!!!!!! (Still like 'Sound of Music')! Must watch that again!

Friday, February 25, 2011


All our 'feathered friends' must think it's Spring!!! Every (thing) is laying eggs EVERYWHERE!!! Some people hunt birds, deer, elk, bear, we hunt EGGS!!! The geese are laying, the chickens are laying, the ducks are laying---it's just too cold to let anybody 'set' on their eggs so we have been collecting them. Fridg. is full of EGGS! Dogs get an egg for breakfast every morning---that's 5 eggs per day right there! Soon as the weather breaks---will let everyone 'set' on their eggs then we will have 'babies' everywhere! Spring is always a FUN time of year, just wish it would hurry and get here!!!
Every since we have moved to this area (16 yrs. ago-----that time went FAST) February has brought at least a week of SPRING TEASE----you know------when the sun shines and you just want to get outside (or in the greenhouse) and do SPRING THINGS!!! Hasn't happened this year----I'm doing what needs to be done outside and head for inside!!! SUNNNNNNNNNNNNN-------------where are you??? I miss you soooooooooooo much! Please come back to me!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MY MILLES-----------MY LITTLE LADIES----------

Mille Fleur D'Uccle------------meaning---------Thousand Flowers-----that's because their feather coloring is such a rich, bright, mahogany, reddish, gold color!!! These girls are TOUGH, they are not supposed to be TOUGH, but have been very winter since we have had them. The Mille's are a very, very small breed, 26 oz. for the roosters, 22 oz. for the hens, on average! Fragile and delicate in appearance but MAN O MAN ------ if they want to get away from something they can 'fly HIGH' not far, but really HIGH, roof top high!!! Normally, pretty calm, lay small light brown eggs, very broody---have been so enjoyable to have around!!! The first to roost up at night and the last to get 'out and about' in the morning!

At this time, we do NOT have a rooster and need to get one. Had 2 roosters last fall and a person wanted to buy one, saw no problem with that, but it wasn't too long after that, our other Mille Roo just died, nothing had been wrong, JUST FOUND HIM DEAD. I really, really think he missed his Buddy! Am in search of 2 more Roos----------------Craigs List-----------here I come!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Had the opportunity today to put some plants in the greenhouse for a QUICK BLAST of sunshine---actually---about the time I got them all hauled out----it was almost time to haul them back in again---well worth it--------any little bit of SUN just gives them that needed BOOST, perking up and feeling GREAT!!! SUN is always a good thing!!!

YEAHHHHH---girls---you are home---after a 'vacation' with Rocky (blogspot 1-29)---you girls spent time with Rocky and cute little baby goats (kids) having a wonderful time, interacting with other goats, wonderful for YOU---but I truely missed you to pieces!!! Guess we will see in 5 months how much FUN you had!!! I do believe I saw a SMILE on your face s when you got home!!!
Check out music-----------Mumford and Sons, and Bruno Mars---great sounds!!!