Sunday, May 1, 2011


Logan, Utah---what a beautiful city, with spectacular snow-covered mountains as a backdrop! Had never been there before yesterday. 5 1/2 hr. drive from our home to Logan, Utah. We drove there yesterday and back home the same day! Gpa and I where on the road 12 hrs!!! And 'why?' you ask?????? Check out Blog 4/24/10 in reference to the loss of our bees. The bees needed to be replaced and Logan, Utah was the nearest place that we could go and get them. So we got in the SUBEE (Blog 3/18/10) appropriately named for a BEE trip, huh? (just a coincidence) really means Subaru, left home at 7:14 am after chores, drove approx. 400 miles, a few of those where LOST miles cause Gma canNOT read directions----sorry----stopped only for gas, split a 6" subway sandwhich (that's a 3" sandwich for each of us--yummmm!), gathered up the 3 packages of bees--each pkg. containing between 10 and 12 THOUSAND bees!!! Put them in the back seat of the SUBEE----- HEY----- boys and girls and you 3 Queen Beez----buckle up----we are headed for home!!! Kind of eery at first, thinking that there where 30 THOUSAND PLUS- bees sitting in our back seat, but they where very well behaved (beehived!) all the way home! (did have 1 escapee, had to stop and roll down the window and send it on its way, hopefully it flew back from wence it came)!!

G'pa installed one pkg. of bees in their new hive today and as they settle, the rest will go into their new homes. It is going to be very nice to have the bees again. No honey this year, as the bees will get most all of it to get through this coming winter but next year----we should have lots and lots of 'Liquid Gold.' All in all----it was a pretty good drive, saw some new country, the weather was good from the inside of the car, and the SUBEE is a comfortable car to take a long road trip in. AND----THAT WAS A 750 mile LONG--- ROAD TRIP!!!

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