Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Realizing this is not the greatest picture in the world, I just had to share it because it is an UNUSUAL picture. As I was taking my walk yesterday morning, I saw our 4 geese, Carey, Sophie, Claire and Marcelle MarssO swimming in the canal----peacefully, not bothering anything or tormenting anybody, or trying to pluck a feather from some unsuspecting duck or chicken!! Sometimes they want to make ME pull my hair out! (no feathers in my head---but can be sure I have been called a 'feather head' by some of YOU!!!). The geese where just sooooooo peacefull. I was very proud of them. They where even eating things in the water that geese are supposed to eat! Maybe that will cut down on the feed bill a bit!!! Remember back to the blogs of 'Goose B Gone'- 'I'm King of the World' - 'Father Goose'???? They can really be 'out there' and be a nuisance at times, but remembered some Goose Facts that I had read long ago and will share a couple:

The geese flying in formation HONK to encourage those up front to keep up their speed!!! (how cool is that?)!

If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong!!! Hey-----next time you see and hear those geese flying in the sky---look up, salute------ and appreciate them!

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