Thursday, May 19, 2011


Been just a tad bit busy around here lately! Have had hatchings of DUCKS, CHIX, TURKEYS and all the TRAUMA that goes with----Little Buff Silkie Chix in the upper pix.---Her Mom decided she would rather set on more eggs than be a Mom, scooped little Silkie Chix up and brought her inside. The stuffed dog became her Mom and worked out great, little Silkie Chix slept under her just as she would do her real Mom, BUT---not wanting her to be alone---along came a Turkey Poult that was just hatched today and she became the step-sibling of the Silkie Chix with the 'Pretend Mom!' Seems to be working out just fine, am sure we will be adding to the 'normal, disfunctional family' and all will be well! OK-----------gotta toss in some other 'goingsONs.' Baby shower for granddaughter----awsome!!! Great visit with her! Wonderful time!!! Planted peas are up, sweet peas are in, harvesting the salad greens from the LATTICE GARDEN! Some toms. planted, more will go in the ground tomorrow! It's rained, the wind has blown, it hasn't froze and there are pears, peaches, apples, almonds and golden chains coming on. All have frozen the past years. Am thinking the upcoming weekend is going to be very buzeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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