Saturday, March 5, 2011

OHHHHHH---------------HOW I LOVE SILK!!!

Silk sheets?? Sure------they are mighty fine! Silk stockings?? Really---- doesn't work around here! (wool is much better)! Silk worms?? Wonderful little creatures, love what they make, but a REAL worm makes REALLY good compost!! Silk jammies! OH YEAH!!!! AHHH- wonderful thing, until you put them with the silk sheets---then it's a night of--- HANG ON TIGHT!!!
My favorite SILK in the whole world are my SILKIE CHICKENS!!! First got Silkies in 2000 and have not been without since. Their feathers feel sooooooooo silky! Small(ish) chicken, great mothers, great broody hens. You can put a pile of rocks under them and they won't leave until the rocks HATCH!!! Our broodie silkies have hatched out turkey eggs, duck eggs, any other eggs that we have put under them. The reason we have Silkies is only because they are soooo cute, and soooo comical to watch. They live in the front area of our place, are true 'yard ornaments' with comments from people that occasionally drive by and enjoy watching them. They are sooooooo entertaining!! Busy, busy all day long!! They are for SHOW and GLOW! (and for hatching any and everything)!! See----they do have their own purpose here! Interesting thing about a Silkie chicken----------------- they have black skin under those beautiful silkie feathers!!
Have a request for fried chicken, mashed pots., gravy and homegrown corn for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Certainly will NOT be a SILKIE---------------------they are sooooooo safe from the fryer!!! SILKIES ROOL!!!

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