Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March in a nutshell----March started out- 60 degrees, do not believe we have seen that since. Probably have only seen the sun a TOTAL of, maybe, 3 hrs.!!! (all month) Had ---- snow, rain, hail, thunder & lightening, freeze, freeze, and more freeze-- did I say RAIN!!! Oh, yeah---some wind, also. Not just WIND---but really COLD wind!! Let's mooooove on----Happy Birthday to Son and Mother! Cancer free daughter---OH---did I mention that daughter is going to be a Grandmother and have many many happy years with her grandSON??? GrandSON will moving to another state so think that maybe some 'frequent flyer miles' will be in the future!!! Thoughts and Prayers still going out to the people of Japan. Animals-----Ducks are laying like crazeeee, have a couple of chickens that want to set on eggs, and we say 'GO FOR IT'!!! Geese and turkeys are laying and soon should be setting! Goats just wanna hang out INSIDE cause they are not BAD WEATHER goats!!! Lotsa mud around, but 2 days of the wind blowing will take care of that! Baby Javas are doing GRAND! Waiting for warmer nights and the Javas will graduate to the great 'protected' outer area with a heat lamp til they get used to the BIG OUTSIDE WORLD!!! All in All----that is March in a nutshell!! March totally FLEW by and there was NOT a dull moment---would have liked more SUN!!! Hear that APRIL???

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