Tuesday, March 1, 2011


REMEMBER 'that butt ugly' picture of the greenhouse from yesterday's blog?????? That Butt Ugly greenhouse had a whole bunch of company today----all plants where packed out to it and got to soak up some of those glorious sun rays today!!! Perked them right up! NEVER EVER underestimate the power of SUN RAYS!!! Plants felt good, dogs felt good, chickens where dusting up a storm (their version of a tanning bed)! I felt GREAT!!! Even did some spring cleaning (inside). Know that sounds crazy to be INSIDE on a beautiful, sunny day-----but----- because the Bassets spent the day OUTSIDE---that gave me the opportunity to vacuum the dog hair off the furniture and polish the wood floors-----been awhile!!! (A long while)! Sposed to rain for the rest of the week----BUT---------60 degreeez today & got a lot done!!!

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