Monday, February 28, 2011


An admission----I do NOT have the cutest greenhouse there ever was! BUT--------there is a bit of history that goes with the UNcutest greenhouse there 'ever was.'-------------We bought the 'ugly greenhouse' about 11 seasons ago (before Craigslist). Homemade---put it on the back of a flat bed trailer and drove EVERY back road possible to get it HOME.
Paid---like---minimum $$$ for it with the hope that it would last for a 'couple' of seasons-------HONESTLY----that was 11 YEARS ago!!!!!!! Can you just imagine how many plants every year that has been grown in this greenhouse for the past 11 years??? How much FOOD it has provided for us??? HOW much 'enjoyable' time I have spent in this 'uncute' greenhouse for all these years??? It was only supposed to last a 'couple' of seasons! Will admit--this year it does have a really big hole in the top of it, may just throw some plastic over it---it has been BLOWN away--totally, BLOWN AWAY---had to rescue it and bring it back from wence it was blown! My most favorite place to be when the SUN shines and I can hang out in the UNcute greenhouse. Can NOT wait for the sun to shine so I can beeeeeeee there!
OHHHHH-speaking of 'book by the cover'---am reading (listening to) Pride and Predudice, that classic-------my original thought was booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrring------but got the 'mind set' as to the time frame it was happening (early 1800's) and OH MY GOSH---life was not as it now. (thank Heaven!). Am sure it was required reading back when I was in school (yes, they did have books!)---am sure I chose NOT to read it, am sure I would have not understood it THEN---am understanding it NOW!!! With all the years BEHIND me-----I have learned NOT to judge a book by it's cover!!!

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