Sunday, February 13, 2011


CHUCK------------The Big Bourbon Red Tom Turkey!!! Actually, this picture was taken last spring--------see??? NO SNOW, GREEN GRASS!!! And the Muscovy ducks are pretty young! Chuck has to take care of everything and everyone! We hatched Chuck in the incubator, we also hatched his mate Cheryl, but a fox got her 2 yrs. ago---that was before we got smart and let the Pyrs. out to patrol a larger space at night. So-------that was really sad for us when we lost Cheryl and really sad for Chuck, he was totally lost without her!!!
Chuck has since been put on the other side of the fence with the other Bourbon Red Turkeys so he can do real turkey things. Bourbon Red Heritage Turkeys are actually very smart, they breed, lay their eggs, set on them, hatch them out and are the best Mom's teaching everything baby turkeys (poults) need to know. The Mom's act like drill instructors with their poults!!! Bourbon Red Turkeys can fly and do, have lotsa pictures of turkeys on roof tops, up in trees, etc!!! Bourbon Red's are very personable ie: CHUCK, very curious (nosey), forage all day long, very hearty AND they are very deeeeeeeeelisious, naturally tender, very tasty! NO-----------------------------we will NEVER eat CHUCK!!!

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