Friday, February 25, 2011


All our 'feathered friends' must think it's Spring!!! Every (thing) is laying eggs EVERYWHERE!!! Some people hunt birds, deer, elk, bear, we hunt EGGS!!! The geese are laying, the chickens are laying, the ducks are laying---it's just too cold to let anybody 'set' on their eggs so we have been collecting them. Fridg. is full of EGGS! Dogs get an egg for breakfast every morning---that's 5 eggs per day right there! Soon as the weather breaks---will let everyone 'set' on their eggs then we will have 'babies' everywhere! Spring is always a FUN time of year, just wish it would hurry and get here!!!
Every since we have moved to this area (16 yrs. ago-----that time went FAST) February has brought at least a week of SPRING TEASE----you know------when the sun shines and you just want to get outside (or in the greenhouse) and do SPRING THINGS!!! Hasn't happened this year----I'm doing what needs to be done outside and head for inside!!! SUNNNNNNNNNNNNN-------------where are you??? I miss you soooooooooooo much! Please come back to me!!!

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