Saturday, February 12, 2011


KENNA-----------Someday, I must write a book about KENNA------and there is truly a lot to write about KENNA!!! Great Pyrenees, she is 1 of 3 Pyrenees we have. She is ALFA dog and has no intention of turning in her ALFA CROWN to either Taz Man or Mason #2, the other two Pyrs. The Pyrs love their outside world and have their outside duties and do their duties very well. Livestock Guard Dogs!!! When our 'feathered friends' get tucked away and locked in for the evening, the LGDogs take over at night keeping the 'unwanteds' away! (fox, racoons, stray dogs, etc.). If I wake up at night and hear them barking, I know they are doing the job they are meant to do!!!
I have special feelings for Kenna, maybe cause she's a girl, maybe cause she has caused me the most trouble (will save that for Kenna Book) but sometimes when she looks at me with those big brown eyes---OMG!!! She has the most BEAUTIFUL eyes---it's like she has applied black eyeliner around her big brown eyes!!! Her eyes truly 'talk to me.' When she gives me 'that look' it means she wants to hang out inside and do 'girl things'!!! I simply can NOT resist---she gets to come inside and we girls do 'girl things'-----I do indoor projects----------------she sleeps----------------------- wherever she wants to!!!

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