Thursday, July 7, 2011


4th of July weekend---I fixed a big, beeeuteeful, succulent ham, next to the last ham in the freezer. Thawed it out, stuck it on the baking pan--NO--cutsie cloves poked into the ham for decoration---NO brown sugar crusties spread over it for flavor, NO pineapple juices or slices for decoration---NOT even any Salt and Pepper!!! Possibly theeeeeeeeee most 'carefree' ham I have ever stuck in the oven, and believe me, that's all I did was STICK IT IN THE OVEN!!! It occurred to me that I am 'COOKING FOR MY DOGS AND WE GET THE LEFTOVERS!!! No seasonings go on anything that the dogs may eventually eat!!! They really really eat GRAND!!! Am thinking about fixing a Heritage Turkey for the weekend, am thinking about dousing it with FRESH SAGE, BUTTER, GARLIC, ONIONS, LOTSA SALT AND PEPPA---------Anything else I may rangle up from the Herb Garden---looking for FLAVOR, FLAVOR and MORE FLAVOR!!! HEY DOGS----How about some PEDIGREE out of a can??? ------------------ (at least for 1 meal)!!!

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