Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Not a real big 'harvest' at this time, but it is nice to be able to go out and 'harvest' a few things---been 'harvesting' lettuce, spring onions, radishes--- now, the second WAVE is coming on! A few raspberries here, some oregano there, a little bit of sage --- and --- Thank You, President O. for bringing up the 'TIME TO EAT YOUR PEAS' subject cause that reminded me I needed to harvest my peas and get them in the freezer------all done!!! Can't believe I am still planting seeds, transplanting stubborn veggies that haven't done well in the spot they have been in---BUT---BY GOLLY---after planting more beans---they are coming up like crazeeee---ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! Cabbage is almost ready to harvest---onions and pots. looking really good---am thinking this year we will take what we get and be thankful for it!!! PLEEZE------- may one of those 3 green Heirloom Toms. ripen overnight, and be ready to pluck and consume tomorrow-------probably NOT!!! (can't wait for the first ripe tom.) NOW--------------there's a BLOG to anticapate!!!

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