Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Actually--- started this blog last night, never did get it finished, had to go rescue a little turkey poult that could not find her way to the 'protected area.' Soooooo-----am starting over! One recent evening, as we where sitting on the front porch watching the lightening show, listening to the sound of the thunder, then checking to make sure all creatures where in their protected areas, we noticed that Snow (muscovy duck hen) and her 4 babies where on the other side of the canal and had no intention of being locked in for the evening. HEY-----if you're a DUCK---would you rather be 'locked in' or 'hanging out on the canal bank???' Snow and her ducklings did NOT come home the next day! Very devistating, did not BLOG it cause I try to stay away from the 'doom and gloom.' Yesterday afternoon, after being gone for 11 days, Snow and 2 of her ducklings came home!!!!!!! OMG!!! We where soooooo thrilled!! Where had they been? What have they been through? How far away from home did they go? Can only speculate as to what happened to the other 2 ducklings, but what a MIRACLE that Snow and 2 ducklings found their way home!!! They have been locked up all last night and all today and will be tonight. I realize, the door must be opened in the morning, and they must be allowed to do what comes 'NATURAL' for them---but I truely do believe having them back, for however long, is a TRUE MIRACLE!!! The picture of the lavender has nothing to do with the story, it is Lavender Season and the BEEZ are loving the lavender---hmmmmm---lavender honey??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grandson N!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!! May we all--------always believe in MIRACLES!!!

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