Thursday, April 21, 2011


Before that first, crucial, all-important cup of coffee, before it was even barely light--- outside my kitchen window I caught a visual of something really BIG, really BLACK strolling through an area that this really Big, really Black thing should NOT have been strolling through!!! OMG!!!!---the hogs are out of their designated area, in a NON-designated area!!! Hard for me to move very fast before that first cupper---but by golly, I did!! Had to see what the damage was and whom all was out strolling! FeeBee---she is such a trouble maker, first one out,but the other two followed! Ran for the orange pig bucket trying to trick them into following me back to their area-----HAAA HAAA HAAA!! They seemed as if they where only 'exploring' and beings these kids are creatures of habit, thought I would let them munch on the pasture this side and they would eventually stroll on back to their Hog Heaven for their daily pig snooze. They had to explore EVERYTHING--now--- we are talking about a total of 1400 lbs. of 'pork on hoof' total and that may be on the lite side! It was when FeeBee (trouble maker) decided she wanted to root up an area inside the silkie's pen, like she thought maybe she was digging for truffles, and silkies where carrying on, cackeling like crazy that I decided enough was enough!!! Grabbed a rake that she had knocked down, put it horizontally across her backside and litaerally PUSHED her back to her pen!!! Huntley followed, (thank Heaven) and Faith was already close to the area (than Heaven). This was approx. a 4 hr. ordeal! Did manage, during that time, to finish the other chores, gather and sell some farm fresh duck eggs in the amount of $14.00. Coffee and shower around noon. Let's see-------------- $14.00 for 4 hrs. of real physical (and mental) work equals approx. $3.50 per hr. Wonder how long it will take to earn enough $$$$$$$ to repair the Mulefoot's Fence???

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