Wednesday, August 10, 2011


YEA!!! My new Blackberry and it's App has finally arrived!!! Been checking on those blackberries for about a week now and was quite surprised this morning to find some 'ripe - n- ready'! Had to get geared up for the 'picking of the blackberries'. This included: long sleeved shirt, even though it's 90 degrees, big, long stick, to hold back the unruly stickers so I can get in as far as possible cause the really big, beautiful blackberries are always just out of reach; hard hat--for the obvious reason! Cell phone--in case I fall into the brambles--and, of course, my trustry side kicks---2 Bassett Hounds, 3 Great Pyrs. and a couple of HUGE HOGS!!! Great cheerleaders, they are??? These Blackberries are NOT the cutsie, compact, no thorny plants of 'today's' gardens-----these are the EVIL, WICKED, RIP YOUR FACE AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO PIECES, 30 foot high plants of yesteryear---ya know, those ones that you can't ever get rid of??? Glad to see they are starting to ripe, will make Blackberry picking part of the morning routine chores, will get what I can without risking life and limb, the birds can have the rest!!! The new Blackberry 'Apps' are those gorgeous PURPLE JALAPENOS that are just coming on! Am thinking there will soon be a 'JAM' session---may even throw the APPS into the mix and spice it up a bit! That Blackberry Cobbler is smelling pretty darn good---may have to check it out!!! By the way------I LOVE my Palm Pre Plus Smart Phone!!!

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