Saturday, June 25, 2011


A while back, I had an excited msg. on my voice mail from my Sister!! IMMEDIATELY --called her back to see 'what the heck' was going on! She told me she had jumped out of an airplane!!! After about (what seemed like a 10 minute pause on my end) I had to ask the obvious question-----"ON PURPOSE???" Come to find out, this has been a 'life long' dream of hers!!! I say she is CRAZEEEE---but---Sis, gotta hand it to you----accomplished something you have been passionate about your whole life!!! My 'straw' hat is off to you, KID!!! I can't even get up the courage to pick up an onion laying off the side of the road that fell off the onion truck!!! Keep on fullfilling those dreams (no matter how crazeee it makes me!!). ---------- Some peoples gardens really grow great this time of year--am thinking my garden is 'shrinking'! Potatoes, onions and cabbage are doing GREAT! Tizzzzzzz a good thing I have a weeeee bit of the Irish in me - cause it doesn't look like there will be a lot of other things! Have replanted several things (several times)! Did find 3 beans that are growing pretty darn good! At least I can make a 3-Bean Salad!!! What does a 3-Bean Salad have to do with my Crazeee Sister??? Absolutely NOTHING!!! I don't even know if she likes 3-Bean Salad----------but then, I didn't know she wanted to jump out of an airplane!!! ps: didn't Crazeee Sister promise me some photos???

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