Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Meet my precious Avalon, my one and only milking goat at this time. This is how I start my day, milking Avalon!!! I must admit----she is a real 'trooper' this year. We kinda had to spend last year getting aquainted---but we have sooooooooo got 'it together!' She is my new best friend, and hopefully will have several more years milking her. Her kid from last year, Babe, will be my up and coming milker for next spring. She is 'practicing milking' now. Babe jumps up on the stantion every evening and eats her 'yummys' and practices milking soooo she will be ready next year when we have to get serious!! Then---along will come Fancy and Hershey Kissis (you know, he's a she!!). My goal was 3 milking goats, will settle for 4. Have lots of goat milk in the freezer waiting to become goat cheese, just as soon as time allows.

Still cold, still windy, actually had the stove on earlier---this has never happened in the middle of June!!!!!!!!!! Stuff still in the greenhouse----am thinking this will NOT be the year of the fantasic garden---------but, will adjust and life will go on!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Saturday, June 12, 2010


You must take time to refer back to the Blog of April 30--"MUST HAVE BEEN A FULL MOON." That was in reference to the baby goats that where all born on that day. Do believe it was mentioned that there where 3 doelings and a buckling. My precious buckling, Hershey!!! He is sooooooo cute! Made an apptointment for him to become an unbuckling (wether, castrated, clip clip, you know) on June 16. Butttttttttt---I had this brain storm idea that maybe there would be an interested person that would want this cute buckling as a BUCK before he was clipped!!!

Posted an ad on Craig's List---hey, he's not going to do me any good as a Buck, cause he's related to everything I have here and 'that' just ain't happening!!! Had a few interested persons, 1 really interested person but she lives quite a ways from here soooooo she wanted to know if I would send her some pictures to see if it would be worth a drive to check him out. Not a problem!!! Have known her for a while and it would be the perfect place for Hershey to go! The main thing she was interested in was the confirmation of the buckling ie: legs, back, head, mouth anything I could possibly get, including 'the package'!!! You know what I'm refering to--- guys!!! THE PACKAGE!!!

Went to the goat barn, camera in hand and spent a fun time snapping pictures of Hershey---ok ok---did take a couple of the other babies, how can you resist??? 67 pictures in total!!! When it came time to take a picture of THE PACKAGE---I could NOT find a package!!! What the heck is going on here??? NO PACKAGE on this little buckling---ya know why?????????? Cause he really was a SHE and I had not taken time to really really check out 'things.' Can you imagine my embarrassment in dropping that 'news flash' to the person that was interested in a HIM???

She was a real trooper at my stupidity, my non observance, and we had a great 'laugh' that lasted all day!!!!!!!! When I sent her a picture of the UNDERBELLY, ---- her comment was 'YEPPERS, SHE'S A DOE' more laughing out loud!!!

Moral of the story------always know what your selling so you won't make a fool out of yourself!!! Toasty, Erma and Honey did get sold to a wonderful, wonderful home! They will live a wonderful life of eating pasture and frolicking in the fields!!! I miss them tonight!

On the other hand---I could not be more tickled that Hershey is really a little doeling cause she is so so sooooooo cute!!! Please remind me to cancel her appointment for Wed. for neutering cause there just isn't anything to clip!!! She is now known as Hershey Kissis!!! Must go delete 67 pictures off my camera!!!XOXOXOgmasu...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Three feet high and risin!' Remember all that rain I was talking about? Peonys on the ground, etc. WELLLLLLLLLLL----it really made the water raise!! Water over the road between us and the neighbors. Their beautiful Bass Pond is all over the valley!!! We feel very fortunate that nothing (but ducks) got wet here. I witnessed several houses that had to be evacuated.

These Muscovy Ducks and Pilgrim Geese sat on the canal bank all day watching the water. I finally had to take a picture of them 'wondering where all that water came from'! The edge of the water is about a foot from coming into our pasture/yard, but today, has receded. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain again, so there may be a different picture!!! Never ever seen that much water in the canal!!! The ducks and geese are just having a 'grand ole time!!!'

Better go dust off my wading boots------WAIT--------I've been wearing them for the past 3 months, they are pretty shiny/wet already!!!XOXOXOXOXOgmasu...

Sunday, June 6, 2010


See it has been since May 25th that I have last blogged!!! OMG!!! How time is flying by! That's been, like, ELEVEN days!!! Lots, for sure, has happened. The wind did quit blowing every single minute of every single day---but---then the RAINS CAME!!! Still getting lots and lots of rain, everything is nice and green but the rivers are flooding around the area. So, may the rain stop!!! Hence---the peeoneeeeez----usually the wind blows all the Peony flowers away, this year, the Peonies where literally laying on the ground because of the rain. SOOOOOOOOOO---what the heck---I just went out and cut the ones that where laying on the ground and got a couple of beautiful bouquets in the house. Very nice!!!

Memorial Weekend has come and gone. Thank you---Fallen American Heros for fighting for my Freedom so that I may have this opportunity to do this blogging thing and let you all know how wonderful my life is!!! My thoughts, prayers and appreciation to all of you in uniform!!!

A graduation took place on Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. #1 grandson graduated from high school. Wasn't that long ago that he was a 'roly poly,' sorry 'V,' but kind of a 'cry baby' BABY!!! Now he is all grown up, very handsome, very mature and has his own wonderful life ahead of him!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wanted to smother you with hugs and kissis at your graduation party, but didn't want to embarass you in front of your friends. Gpa said I should have done it anyway, so watch out 'V' the next time I see you!!! You make me proud!!! Wonderful graduation party, great to see everyone, friends and relatives!!!

Another batch of Muscovies have hatched today! Mommy just brought them out for the GRAND TOUR (where to find the feed)!!! They are too much fun!!! EVERY DAY IS FUN!!!XOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


YES!!!! TWINKLE LITE SEASON is upon us!!! Absolutely can NOT get through an evening without 'TWINKLE LITES' somewhere around the property! They don't even need to be placed 'perfectly' preferabaly NOT-----they just need to be there and 'twinkle' cause when you gaze upon 'twinkle lites' they bring a smile on your face and make everything SHINE!!!
Busy day---Java Chix got moved to the Big Chix. Coop', they will learn to adjust, baby ducks, also, got moved to the Big World of 'feathered friends.' The goat family got 'out and about' for 'romping & grazing'. (I shaved my legs!)---then put up the TWINKLE LITES!!! If you all have not done it yet----you need to put up 'twinkle lites' --- just string'em around, guaranteeeed to put a SMILE on your face!!!XOXOXOXOXOgmasu...

Monday, May 24, 2010


I know, I know, I know-----you are all getting so tired of the baby goat pics. SORRRREEEEE!!!
Just can't help it when I go to the goat barn and they are doing something sooooooooo cute and I just happen to carry a camera with me and CLICK CLICK CLICK!!! Please bare with me for a while longer--ok??? Hershey usually is the one that sits in the grain dish, Fancy decided to join him today with Honey and Erma looking on---maybe I should get a bigger grain dish and they could have a 4-some!!!

Sooooo cold, still WINDY, still harvesting from out of the greenhouse so this 'picture taking' is my entertainment for now!!!XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Remember the Blog about FATHER GOOSE/Cary Grant??? The goose that was very protective with the baby ducks??? Well--the Goose you see in this picture was totally the opposite!!! He tormented the baby ducks to the point of actually getting in a fight with Father Goose who was trying to protect the duck! Not only was he tormenting the baby ducks but-----he got a hold of my leg and BIT ME!!! Can you guess where he is now??? YEP----------in the freezer!!! So if anyone has any Roast Goose Recipes they want to share, just send them my way!!!
'Peace & Harmony' is what we strive for around here, this Goose was not willing to cooperate. Always feel bad with this particular end result but did not feel I could let him go to another family that may possibly have small children that he may harm---so this was kinda the 'end of the road' and the end of the road sometimes means the 'Gateway to the Oven'!!!
The Roosters you see in the picture behind him also caused 'major friction' around here with their hens and everyone else. No need to send me recipes for roast chicken, already know how to do that!!!XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


WOW!!! It's been awhile and so much had happened that I must do some 'ketchingup.' I LOVE LOVE LOVE my guard dogs!!! Gpa gone 2 nights last week (why do things always happen when he is gone???) Dogs are barking like crazy, actually woke me up out of a deep sleep---went outside to see what was going on and saw a FOX trot(ting) down the road, squealling, caught his/her eyes in my flashlight!!! Watched it walk down the road then turn around and walk back towards me!! That's when I jumped up on the planter bed on the front porch and watched and listened to him/her screaming that shrill sound for an HOUR(ish). This went on from 2:40 am until 3:30 when I heard the shrill screaming in the distance, the dogs had settled and I felt safe and secure enough to go back to bed. Come on Gus and Gracee---jump up in the bed with me and keep me safe! They did!!!!!!!!Love my dawgs!XOXOXOXgmasu...
FAREWELL JOE!!! The most amazing thing happened---Joe went to a new home---not just any ole home---- but a KIDS PETTING ZOO!!! Is there any place in the whole wide world that would be a better home for Joe than a petting zoo??? This BEAUTIFUL goat who will just stand there and let you pet him FOREVER!!! We are so so happy for you, Joe!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
ASPARAGUS!!! OK you whiney babies who did NOT like the store bought asparagus last Christmas---your Mom & I canned pickled asparagus last Sunday---all day! There should be enough to get us through the holidays!!! A FUN day, 21 quarts!!! How about that??? Can't wait to give it the taste test!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
HORNS BE GONE!!! This will be it for the night---Those precious little baby goats---Hershey, Fancy, Honey and Erma---where 'disbudded' tonight (their little horn nubans BURNED off their heads) YEEEEEOOOWWWWWWW! Not something I can do, don't even have the equipment to do it, must be done when they are young. I choose to have my goats disbudded as having horns can cause problems, ie: getting them caught in something, breaking them off, butting and hurting someone, etc. etc. etc.! Not something I can do, but have the professionals come and take care of that evil chore! So--------that took place tonight. Thank Heaven they forget about the pain quickly and the smell of 'Burnt Hair' eventually goes away---(ever been to a branding??? kinda the same)!!! Poor babies, but their Mammas gave them lots of attention tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...
OK------------Did I 'CATCHUP' with everything??? That's it for tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This Mother has had 11 babies since she first hatched them April 30, --------------------------
Had another Mother Muscovy hatch out 10 babies on Sat. Today, I have been collecting that Muscovy Mommy's babies one by one that she has left behind. This morning that Mommy had 8 babies, I have collected 4 and cannot find the rest. Have been looking until it got dark, hoping they would be huddled up someplace. Hopefully, Mommy will find them tonite and all will be well in the morning.
The cheese turned out AWSOME!!! Will be making much more!
Think we may have decided on names for the baby goats---Hershey, Fancy (thank you, Reba), Erma (thank you K) and Honey!!! Sound ok???XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Made goat cheese today!!! My girls are doing great! Am having a bit of xtra goat milk so thought I would take advantage of the Xtras---- GOAT CHEESE! Just the simple, nothing fancy, quick-n-easy goat cheese. Actually, it was easy but not QUICK!!! Took me an hour of stirring at low to medium heat to get the cold 'goats milk' to the temperature of 190-200 degrees---did I say AN HOUR??? That's a LONG time stirring!!! Standing and Stirring!!!
Standing and Stirring!!! That's OK---cause tomorrow we will be indulging in FRESH - HOMEMADE goats cheese---hmmmm---think of what fresh 'herby' flavors I want to add to it------------maybe just let it be a'natural!!
K---Love the name of Erma for one of the newbies, love LuLu-probably won't go with Monty, ask your Mom about that name! Am thinking there will be an Erma in the new herd!!!
Must touch a bit on Babe. Babe, born last March 24---just did not gain a lot of weight, not for sure what to do with her. She was just an itty bitty thing, thought about selling her, but she has changed so much as of late. I truly believe that she believes she will be the BEST milking goat EVER.!!!Not bred, no babies, not a drop of milk in her, but after Avalon is on her stanchion and milked, Babe comes out of the goat barn and jumps on the stanchion and we 'pretend' milking and she will be soooooooooo ready next spring after she kids----practice makes perfect!!! Will let you know how the goat cheese turns out!XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yes, yes, yes! I did take MOST of Wednesday off! Did morning chores, had lunch with a dear friend, then we spent the afternoon going through some awsome 'SHABBY-SHEEKIE SHOPS!!! Places I had never been in before, some places that I did not even know where there, one place that looked very very interesting, paper plate sign on the door--'OUT TO LUNCH-BACK AT 2.' Welllllll--it was 3:30 when we where there, sign still on the door. Must have been a heck of a lunch!!! Can't wait to go back when it's OPEN! So---went and had pie and ice cream!! DEELISH!!!

Was very fun to get 'out and about' and spend the day with 'real people!' Came home, did the evening chores! It was a fun day----so I took most of the day off but didn't lay around like these kids are doing!!! They are just as cute as can be!!! Help me think up some names for them. XOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, May 3, 2010


Is this print (coffee) color??? Non-stop day today. Very busy--but at the end of the very busy day, the 4 little goat kids are doing wonderful! Three of our breeding Midget White Tukeys went to a new and wonderful home in Boise, six of our baby Muscovy ducks went to a new and wonderful home in Nampa! Got a lawn mowed, did some errands for my elderly friend next door, actually vacuumed (no one is gonna believe that, but really really did)!!! Hit the floor running early morning, and finally got everything buttoned down at 10 pm. Sure could use that cup 'O' coffee but that would keep me awake and sleep really really really sounds wonderful at this time!

Did I mention, as I am sitting here, that I can hear the wind blowing??? Not just blowing---but blowing HARD! Hopefully, our fence will still be standing in the morning, cause if it goes down, the dogs will take advantage of that!!! XOXOXOXgmasu

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This blog is about Father Goose--and that would not be the movie 'Father Goose' starring Cary Grant. (awsome movie, by the way)! Remember last Friday???? Mamma duck had her ducklings walking 'out and about' freaking me out (that rhymes)... Well--------------as she was 'out and about' the next day walking her babies, along comes Male Goose (guy) whom I have been calling Dot, cause he has a small dark dot on his forehead. FREAKING me out----not knowing what his intentions are and I spent all day chasing him 'away' from Mamma and babies!!! (now there's a visual)!!!

This continued all day Sat. This morning, Gpa and I where watching him and came to the conclusion that he was NOT wanting to harm anyone, BUT was ACTUALLY helping Mamma Duck 'control' her 15/16 ducklings, (can't get an actual count-they move way too fast) helping her keep them gathered, in control and not wandering away from her!!! It truly was a sight to see!!! Father Goose and Mamma Duck, together, herded them down to the canal, they swam and he swam around with them and they all came back home together. I truly would not have believed it if I didn't see it!!! FATHER GOOSE (Dot) you truly amaze me!!! Maybe we should change your name to Cary Grant! I think so!!! XOXOXOXOXOgmasu. and Cary!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


After the busy day yesterday---it just keeps goin' on---these 3 Muskateers have, probably, a dozen eggs under EACH of them! Saw a turkey baby poult tonite when we where locking everyone in, soooooooooooooo what will tomorrow bring??? Bourbon Red Turkeys---great Moms!!! (taste great, too)! More tomorrow, late nite---------XOXOXOXgmasu...

Friday, April 30, 2010


Doing chores---First part of the 'chore' routin is 'feeding of the cats'! For some reason, they think they have senority over all else!! Maybe cause the oldest cat has been around for ---what?????15 yrs!!! OK OK---sooooo that's the way I start chores. Cats first, corn for all the 'feathered friends' 2nd, then onto the goats... GOATS!! Went to the goat shed, saw that Toasty was not out and about with the others, peeked through the many 'peek holes' in the goat shed and saw 4 teeny, tiny legs----I left--not wanting to disturb anything, finished the rest of the chores with the anticipation as to what was going on in the Goat Shed!!! Finished the chores, went to the goat shed and Toasty had 2 beautiful little baby goats that she was seriously taking care of-----ok---according to the pic. of Toasty, she was taking care of her appetite and the babies (2 doelings, girls) hanging around! All was well---
THEN----got a visual of a Muscovy Duck Mamma that was walking around the yard with 16 baby ducklings!!! Major panic set in cause she was just doing her Mamma thing, but our really big male goose was really really curious about the cute, little, fluffy things walking around the yard----------here is where I got the 'visual' of whomever it was that came up the the idea of 'BIG BIRD' cause that is just what he looked like when BIG GOOSE was peering DOWN at the baby ducklings!!! Ya gotta know, that this all happened before BREAKFAST and before I had a SHOWER!!!
Went to the goat shed to check on the babies and Avalon had delivered 2 more goat babies!!!!! 1 (doeling, 1 buckling) OMG!!!-----------it's Friday, the day to kinda 'kick back' and it's obvious that things are happening and happening at a really fast pace!!!! At the end of the day---the goat herd had doubled in size!!! 16 more baby ducks than the day before, and it turned out to be a really BAD HAIR DAY!!! (for me)! Never got the opportunity to even 'fix' my hair---kinda a big deal with me.. OH WELL!
When is the next FULL MOON???? I must plan ahead!! Yeah right---there is never 'planning ahead in this life!!! Dinner tonite???? hmmm, can't remember! Love my life, gmasu...
Hey---comments on 4 new names for the baby goats!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It truly must be time to harvest something----(somewhere)! I must admit, that I have been harvesting lettuce, lucious basil, radishes, mustard greens. The only problem is----nothing I have harvested has been from the fluffy, tilled, composted, garden!!! Everything that has been harvested, so far, has been harvested out of my GREENHOUSE!!! The weather has not been cooperative enough to put anything (most anything) in the ground yet! Need I bring up that "W" word again (wind, ugh)! Of course, it is too early to plant the basil in the ground, but my greenhouse is FULL TO THE BRIM, with some things that could, and should have already been exposed to the great 'garden of the outdoors' and not be little 'sissy plants' hangin' out in the greenhouse!!! Maybe next week???

OK----dinner tonight---homemade pasta noodles, homemade pasta sauce, homemade garlic bread, snippets of FRESH BASIL atop the pasta---thank you, my lovely greenhouse for making fresh basil available the end of April!!! XOXOXOXgmasu...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


First of all---I can NOT possibly go another blog of 'when will the wind quit blowing' not sure it will 'quit blowing' in the near future--so must move on--------------
Meet Huntley! Our Breeding Boar! (is that the cutest face in the whole world??)---Why did we choose the Mulefoot Hogs to raise??? This breed is the rarest of American swine breeds, very, very, very, RARE! The Mulefoot hog population is considered as 'Critical' by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. OUR GOAL---- to bring them back to the dinner table---or they really will 'go away.' Some of those chosen breeds of animals may not be around in the future if we just let them become extinct---how sad. The flavor of this Mulefoot pork (yes, we did one in ---so we know what the heck we are talking about) reminds me of what pork used to taste like. The flavor of the Heritage Hog is 'that flavor' of the Heritage Tomato and 'that flavor' just does not come out of the local grocery store anymore----you have to 'find it', OR , find someone that has 'found it!' Your LOCAL Farmers Market or local farmer/rancher that cares about NATURAL FOOD!!!
The picture is of our precious Huntley--who Gpa & Uncle Stan went to Wyoming (7 miles from the Nebraska border) to get our breeding stock. They are the absolute 'friendlist' OH --- pet me, pet me, scratch me --PLEEZ!!! hogs in the whole world. I will admit that all hogs I have been around have not been 'friendly' these kids would rather have Scratches, Hugs, Attention above their food!!! And ya ---just can't help but obliging them!!! We have Huntley (pic) Feebee and Faith (Huntley's girlfriends). They are so so so much fun and personable, PETS!!!
OK------------------if the wind doesn't quit blowing--who knows what I may blog about tomorrow!!! (maybe my extinct geese) XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


After the discovery of the loss of our bees, Gpa decided to pull out the honey frames and see if we could possibly salvage any honey!!! YEAH--------so far, have salvaged almost 1/2 gallon of that marvelous 'LIQUID GOLD', soooooooo maybe will be able to share after all!!!
Rained most of the day. Thunder and Lightening, of course, everything is very very green and plush looking.
Ended up with only 1 turkey poult out of the 4 Midget White Mammas and pulled the rest of the eggs. They are DONE hatching!!! Have 3 Bourbon Red Moms setting on 3 different nests, so, hopefully, that will be a success! Anyway, the single turkey poult baby is bunking with the 25 Java chicks so the turkey poult could possibly have an identity crisis in the near future! Time will tell!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!! HOPE YOU HAD A WONDERFUL DAY!!! XOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, April 26, 2010


Did not even check to see if there was a full moon or not, BUT----'things happen when there is a full moon!' Had 2 baby Muscovy ducks hatch----yeah---was not expecting them quite yet!! A turkey poult hatched----took it away from Mamma(s) and put it in with the Java chicks cause we have NO CONFIDENCE that 4 Mamma Midget White turkeys are capable a being good Mammas, think they just like to set around!!! Maybe I need to toss them some 'bon bon's' if I can ever figure out what a 'bon bon' is!!! So, obviously, I think I am the better Mom than the Midget Whites turkeys. That being said----those Bourbon Red Turkey Moms are the absolute BEST! So-----in our search of keeping 1 Heritage Breed of each animal, am thinking that the Bourbon Red Turkeys may be the 'keeper.' Besides-------is there anything better than a BOURBON (or a RED head)???

THEN-----------those wonderful goats that are just about ready to HATCH (kid)!!!! Took them some fresh fresh bedding straw today cause, looks to me, like things may start happening SOON!!!

My Sister and my Daughter both have Birthdays tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to my 2 favorite females!!!! 20 yrs. apart, not going to give out ages----will let AARP deal with that!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LADIES!!! Many many many more!!! Here's to ya!!!gmasu...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


BEEZ----Very, very sad this week when we opened the bee hives and the bees did not make it through the winter. Don't know if it was from the cold, disease, or what---do know that the hives will be cleaned out of the little carcuses (sob) put back together and we will get more bees! Every flower I have planted in the past several years have been for the BEEZ. I will continue to plant for them. Will miss that wonderful honey this year, and will guard what I have like GOLD---oh--wait--it is! Sorry, guys, probably won't be a sharing of the honey jar this year!!! NEXT YEAR!!!

QUACK QUACK----Our precious Blue Swedish Duck and his family of 5. They went to a new home this morning! A lady stopped by this week wanting to know if we had any ducks she could get. Have had ducks go to her home in the past years, so know she has a very 'duck friendly' environment. Have decided to just concentrate on the Muscovy Ducks (of course, Muscovy Flats, DUHHHHH!) Quack Quack was the last of our original ducks. We started on the wonderful 'DUCK & GOOSE PATH' in 2005 so he is 5 yrs. old next month. They will do very well in their new environment, you should see the water they will be swimming in, not that our canal isn't great, but the new canal will be quite a challenge in 'duck world' it's running pretty fast at this time. Farewell, my friend, Quack Quack and your friends, I know you will have a wonderfully swimmingly great life, and your new guardians will take very good care of you!!!

MOTTLED JAVAS---One of the oldest breeds of chickens in America, known to be in existence in 1835! How cool is that?? We have been, patiently, on the waiting list to get these little guys for 2 years!!! 25 showed up Wed. 10 roosters, 15 hens. They are touted as being self'-sufficient, hardy, lay brown eggs, excellent broody hens (setting and hatching their eggs) and mothers, a great meat bird!!! What we have noticed with this group of 25 (they ALL arrived LIVE) pretty rare in the baby chickie world --is that they are HYPER-CHICKIES!!! My gosh! (chicks on speed)!! These guys are very HIGH ENERGY!!! Now----I have been in the world of 'baby chicks' for about 30 years and these guys are way way 'out there.' Will be interesting to see how they develop. Like the ducks, we are trying to pin down that 1 Heritage Breed in each animal, ie: ducks, turkeys, pigs etc., and just concentrate on that particular 'Heritage Breed'. Should be an interesting adventure!!! Like All the Adventures we take---

OK----won't go into the other weekly crazy happenings----IS THERE A PLUMBER OUT THERE!!!! Will just tease you with that!!!!!!!! (ps. not a privy problem, this time!!)XOXOXgmasu...

Thursday, April 22, 2010


At this time, there is a posted picture of my 'sweet, innocent, loveable Mulefoot Hogs! That is, they where sweet, innocent and loveable until yesterday morning when Faith decided she needed to go on an 'adventure!' Gpa was dressed and ready to go to work when I discovered the escapee, who was just havin' a grand ole time 'checkin out green things!' FINALLY--managed to get her back from 'wence she came', but I could tell she had a 'taste of the green' and probably not content with GREEN ALFALFA and the same ole, same ole breakfast---cause after a lightening storm the previous night, there was sooooo much 'high energy' green things out and about that she/they would not be content for long--------------SOLUTION---opened up the next door dog yard that had lots a greens in it, in fact was going to put the goats in the dog yard that day to clean up the greens------dogs came out of their yard, Mulefoots went into the dog yard and enjoyed every lucious green thing they could chomp on, not to mention the running around and kicking up their Mulefoot Heels! OH---yes---they did have a grand time. Stayed in their Mulefoot Home all night and even 'layed around' all day, today. Am thinking, lotsa excercise and 'foriegn food' just about wore them out!!!

OK----in the meantime, the kitchen sink has been plugged most of the week, thank Heaven for paper plates!!! Tonight ---- when doing chores, the outside faucet quit working, that's the water that goes to all animals, plants, etc. etc. etc. OH yeah---and the house!!! Gpa was supposed to be out of town for a meeting this week---sooooo glad that got cancelled until next month!!! Lets see---what will we do this weekend???Priority-----------fix the outside water, reinforce the Mulefoots fence, get the kitchen sink to drain-------I was reminded today, that there were two people at Gpa's work that lost their Mothers, there are two men, that I know of, that wives are having major medical problems. I thank you God, that my problems are so 'fixable' and are such a non-issue and by the first of the week, all will be flowing, fenced and watered!!! My life is soooooooooooooo wonderful!!!XOXOXOXOX-gmasu...PS: The Javas arrived yesterday---will fill you in on them tomorrow--stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's very rare that a rooster will last for 11 years, but that's how long we had Oloff. That being said, we didn't hatch him ourselves, but he was a young when we ordered him off ebay (before eggbig) from Minnisota. Soooooo---Oloff and His Bride (yes, that was her name), Americauna Rooster and Hen arrived 11ish years ago. His Bride has been gone for approx. 8 years. Oloff hasn't been very active as of late. He had to be separated from the 'flock' for quite some time as those young and upcoming roosters where not respecful of the Ol' Roo. Oloff hung out with the goats and he had a few hens with him from time to time and outlived his hens.

Oloff would walk up to the house and kinda mingle around the edges with the yard birds on occassion. Noticed a couple of days ago he was kinda 'stumbly' (not sure if that's a word!). We had been recently discussing the fact that he would probably not be around much longer. When I do the morning chores, was always more surprised to find Oloff 'alive' in the morning, than I was when I found him 'not alive' yesterday morning. I am so so glad that he had a long and wonderful life and just went to 'sleep.' Would have been heart broken had some cruel animal got a hold of his vulnerable body and drug him off---------here's to you Oloff...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Not quite sure if I even remember how to do this 'blog' thing, it has been so long------think Spring Vaca. time. Must get back in the saddle again. Think there has just not been anything very interesting to blog about!. How many times can you say "I WISH THE WIND WOULD STOP BLOWING AND THE SUN WOULD SHINE???" Well----the wind did stop blowing for a bit yesterday, Sun. and actually got the old riding lawn mower out and did the first mowing of the season. Good thing I did it yesterday cause it's raining today!!! At least the wind isn't blowing (yet)!!!

Dal and Nick-------good luck Wed. on your 'Battle of the Bands' that should be a fun time. Would love to be there!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, March 29, 2010


OK-OK-OK---Been a while since I have done a BLOG---BUT----what a WONDERFUL week!!! The boys where here for Spring VACA. Got to spend some real quality time, enjoyed EVERY single minute of it!!! D---You are such a HOOT!!! Will never understand how you so 'interact' with music!! You listen to music from every generation out there, and know every word to EVERY SONG!! You blow me away!!! I do NOT even know every word to every song of my most favorite tune at the moment that I have listened to over and over again!!! I am truly amazed!!!
N---am so enjoying how you can just electronically (not a word) 'make things happen!' Have enjoyed the upstairs, downstairs Blu Ray and DVD that you, and only YOU, could make happen!!! A---gotta tell ya, Mister, Your 'gotta poop' sign is hanging up in the bedroom with all the other signs---could NOT toss it away! V---K---you boys need to come over more often and not just wait for your cousins to be here!! Love you ALL, Miss you ALL!!!later.gmasu...

Monday, March 22, 2010


Very busy day today, me and the boys where on the go go go! So, tomorrow, we won't have to do the runaround and can get some things done around here. Cold, windy day so wasn't a lot of fun to be outdoors.

Dal made homemade ice cream this afternoon, all fresh ingredients, YUM YUM!! Alex peeled pots. for dinner and made peanut butter stuffed celery. G'pa and Alex worked on the duck/turkey broody house. Nick and I created a larger home for the turkey poults who are doing really good, just out growing their home. Much better now.

Gracee does not like having company, she is hateful, evil, and uncontrollable around 'other' people. Gus loves 'other' people and is taking full advantage of the welcoming laps to sit on or someone to snuggle up to! That's our sweet, friendly, loving Gus!!! nite nite, gmasu...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Spring break----the boys are here!!! Lots of things planned, all work, not a lot of fun, but heck, work can be fun-----huh, boys???

Little Subaru still in the shop. Ended up with 4 poults (baby turkeys) from the hatch. Not a real good hatch, but they are all very healthy, did have 5, but 1 was weak and just didn't make it!

Lightly raining tonite, (must be Spring Break)! Must go to bed, very very busy day, long trip!
YAWN YAWN!!! later---gmasu...

Thursday, March 18, 2010


A toast to you 'Little Subee'---You have so been having problems as of late, but have just been a trooper getting Gpa to work and home again! You got him to work yesterday, pulled into the parking space, spit up what was left in you and there you set. It's almost like you knew there was someone that could take over your job if need be!!! (refer to blog 'gma got a brand new car).

You knew there was the 'Big Subee' that could take over your responsibilities if you could not carry on. YOU, my dearest 'Little Subee', will be going in for repairs, facelifts, a new lease on life tomorrow and will come home all well and ready to do your job!!! What a trooper you have been and will be again!!! Of course, you must 'get well' cause Gus & Gracee can NOT take their much loved ride until you get home!! Miss you, little one!!!

Poults----3 more hatchings, and it is continuing!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Feb. 18 we put 14 turkey eggs in the incubator, Bourbon Red and Midget Whites, today, so far, we have 1 turkey poult that has hatched!!! There are 4 more that are pipping (breaking their shell and trying to get out)! SOOOOOOOOO---it will be so exciting to see how many we get hatched for the new season. MUST BE SPRING---hatching has started!!! Goose is still setting on her eggs, 1 muscovy duck, so far, is seriously setting--the 'world of hatching' has begun and is always always exciting!!! Let you know how many we have in the am!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Every day is such a WUNDERFUL day! There are some of those day, on occassion, that are kinda just 'uneventfull', that would be today---hey---I could say I cleaned both bathrooms, gotta haircut, cleaned the laundry room along with the daily CHORES, and you would go 'BORRRRRING'!! Don't blame ya---it's rare that the xtra time allows for those xtra things that really really need to be done and can't quite get around to it!! Maybe something to do with the time change and a little xtra time during the day---who knows----------maybe tomorrow I will paint the laundry room!! NAWWWWWWWWWWW--cleaned it today, don't want to mess it up with PAINT!!! XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Monday, March 15, 2010


Spinning in circles trying to figure out what chore needed to be done at what time!!! DO NOT 'clock watch' when doing chores!!! Just let the animals be your guide! Consequently-----we stayed up later than usual watching Spartacus---on the computer, cause it's an AWSOME series and having no sense of time---watched TWO episodes (ie: 2 hrs. worth!!!)

Kind of a shame when there is nothing you want to watch on the BIG SCREEN TV that you payed a gazillion $$$$ for, but there is something on the teeny weeny computer screen that you really really want to watch and huddle up in front of that teeny weeny screen for 2 hrs. NO comfy chair, not even any of that great old fashioned yummy popcorn! Just really a good series--too late to watch tonite, but may watch tomorrow night!!! (I'm hooked on Spartacus)!!!

SUNNY day, beautiful, worked in the greenhouse transplanting basil---I could smell the BASIL-------think we will have pasta tomorrow night for dinner!! XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Just a reminder to all you 'humans' --you MUST spring forward your clocks tonight OR the world may spin out of control!!!!!

OK----to my 'furry and feathered' friends--not to worry, because 'the sun comes up and the sun goes down' (when we are honored to have the sun) and your schedule does not change a bit! ONLY US HUMANS!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Friday, March 12, 2010


YEAH!!! FRI!!! Wind is blowing a gazillion mph, some rain tossed in there, supposed to be snow on the ground by morning! (yeah fri.) Friday night 'pizza nite'! YUMMMMM homemade pizza, really really great! Homemade crust, some red onions, goat cheez, italian sausage and it just all came together tonight. Doesn't always come together on 'FRI. NIGHT, PIZZA NIGHT! Watched a movie, Whiteout, not that spectacular! BUT----when it's Fri. night, pizza and a movie night, you must watch something! Hopefully, will get a chance to watch 2012 tomorrow night! Will letcha know, if I remember-----XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Interesting observations today--as you know, we have turkey eggs in the incubator, that should start hatching March 18, will keep you up on that! Have a goose that started setting on her, approx. 10 goose eggs, there also may be a few duck eggs in there. Have tried to keep the duck eggs pulled, but those ducks can be pretty sneaky, sooooooo -- geese set for 30-34 days, will see what happens there. Goslings are so so so cute!!! BUUTTT--that's not all---------White Muscovy Duck setting on approx. 10 eggs out the back kitchen door! Started seriously setting 2 days ago, and they will start hatching in 35 days!

Two turkeys in different nests down in the chicken coop yard are also seriously setting. 28 days for turkey poults to hatch out! HELLS BELLS----there could be a whole lotta 'baby feathered friends' running around in a month!!! Won't that be FUN???? Always love the spring hatching!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tomorrow is 'garbage day' THURS. Seems to me like garbage day comes around so so so FAST! Pleez, slow this merry-go-round down! Weather was much more tolerant today. Sun did shine, wind did NOT blow quite as hard as yesterday, still a bit 'breezy'! HEY-----it's MARCH!!! Time changes this next weekend. SPRING FORWARD! Am looking for that 'xtra' dark time in the am. Just that extra few minutes for that extra sip of coffee before it gets light enough that all the animals--- ducks, geese, chickens, dogs, goats, cats, mulefoots, etc. etc. etc. are begging for attention ie: (food).

Just that little bit of extra time of 'ANIMAL FREE ZONE' for 30 minutes when I 'welcome darkness' before the feeding frenzy starts!! Don't mis-judge me, love my animals to pieces, but LOVE that 'alone, sipping on a good strong cup-o-coffee time to get me goin'!!!
Love my life!!! XOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Missed last night--someone (else) was on the puter for hrs and hrs so I just made phone calls! Happy Birthday to my first born---41 yrs. just a 'kid.' WOW' was that a fast 41 years!!! Congrats. and Happy Birthday!!! May the next 41 years slow down a bit for both you and me!

So so so COLD and WINDY today! Was tuff doing chores. Seemed like it got colder and windier as the day went by. Was so comforting to be inside and I always prefer being OUTSIDE!! Must be March!! That stove felt mighty fine indeed!

Homemade ice cream today---fresh (frozen) raspberry, wish you where all here to take part---ice cream on a COLD and WINDY day??? What's with that??? XOXOXOXOXOXO's to ALL-gmasu...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Vaca. time must come to an end, and the time comes to go back to that 'job' that allows you to take that VACA!!! Gpa goes back to to work tomorrow. We are soooo thankful, every day, that he has a job to go to unlike so many people at this time. Probably looking forward to it cause as you all know----it's a LOT OF WORK around here!!! He could be ready for a 'change!' Got a lot accomplished this week so that made it a really great VACA!!!

Watching the Academy Awards tonight, kinda fun to watch once a year (sometimes). Will see if there is something 'out there' we may need to watch.

Peas got planted this morning!! YEAH!!!!---garlic is up, greenhouse is full---ALL IS WELL!!!
Someone has a BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


What a very very busy week! Gpa on vaca but was definately a 'working vaca!' Got lots and lots done. The weather was supposed to be rainy a few days during 'vaca week' but was nice every day! Built new fences, weeded, tilled, raked things and did all those wonderful spring things! All seedlings that have been planted are doing great, will plant peas tomorrow!

SOOOOOOOOOO, finally----last night, after everyone was fed, tucked in, dinner done, we sat down and watched a movie (Inglorious Bastards) have had it from Netflix for approx. 3 weeks and have NOT had a chance to watch it. Gpa made some of his famous really really HOMEMADE POPCORN! shake shake shake, sat down to watch the movie----lots of subtitles!!! Was NOT prepared to read my way through a movie at that late time of nite---but, actually, it was pretty darn good! AND--I even kept up on the 'reading part' sooooo no snickering from any of yas!!!XOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Celebration of Life today for a Dear Friend. It was truly a packed house. She would be proud to know she had so many friends and such a loving family. There where many many people there, it was almost impossible to find a place to park. Beautiful flowers, lovely family photos, am sure there was lots of delicious food but did not stay after the service.

Thank you, Dear Friend, for letting me share a small part of your life. You left this world much too soon. May you Rest In Peace...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Mother Earth News had a wonderful newsletter today on LGD's. Livestock Guardian Dogs, Great Pyrenees! You bet I read the whole newsletter! We have 3 Great Pyrenees, big, huge, white, lovable teddy bear dogs!! Went a lot of years not having dogs cause we had chickens, not all dogs go with chickens. Most dogs to NOT get along with chickens! After several years of research on what dog would go with chickens (really, took a lot of time) we decided on the Great Pyrenees, to guard and protect our feathered friends. We also decided that it would be a hoot to have a Basset Hound because the Pyr. we chose would need a friend.

Pyrs. are not easy to find, Bassets are not easy to find but we eventually found the perfect pair of dogs. One Basset (Gus) 1 Pyr. (Mason). All was well!!!

Mason died on Jan. 28, 2007, we had him for almost 3 months. He had a heart problem which our Vet. had detected and we were keeping watch on it. He just layed down in the garden and died. We were so devistated and had a huge void in our hearts that needed filled, immediately! Found a Pyr. dog in the paper that needed re-homing, our prayers where answered, turned out to be Mason's half sister!!!

Beautiful, gorgeous young female Pyr. with eyes that could melt your heart away!!! (Kenna) However------she was 'encouraged', to CHASE feathered friends, not PROTECT them!! That has been an uphill battle for 3 yrs. but she is sooooo improving!!! Just can't quite trust her yet, but we are confident that day will come.

Letting the breeders of Mason know of the circumstances that we lost him, they 'replaced' Mason with a 7 month male Pyr., what we refer as a 'rescue dog.' OMG----our beloved TazMan- when we first met him, was in very bad condition, physically and mentally. Did not know how this venture would turn out, but he needed lotsa food and lotsa lotsa love. Has had it all since he came to us and is the most loving, precious, loyal, kind hearted soul on the place!

Gracee---female Basset. Got her April 1 (what fools are we???) Thought maybe Gus needed a galfriend, her family was involved in going to Iraq and needed to downsize their animals. Who better to take her than WE! She's ornery, hateful, hates everyone in the whole world, including the other dogs, but loves US with all her heart and soul, so here she will stay! Even Gus can barely tolerate her!!! Hopefully, time will mellow her as it has me!!!

Along comes Mason #2---ya know, I just saw an ad on the local feed store wall of these cute little Pyr. puppies and had to go check them out! Mason #2 was born on Jan. 28 2009, the same day we lost Mason #1, 2 years earlier! Dontcha just think that's a sign??? It was 'love at first sight' he had to be here!! Mason #2 is the 'new kid on the block' and just brought the kid out in Kenna, TazMan and Gus (no hope for Gracee? yeah, there is!). Mason #2 just brought everyone together.

Our Gus (first dog, Basset) has been with us since Oct. 2006. He has matured soooo much. Has become the 'I love to please you dog.' Truly 'Man's Best Friend.' He has developed into such a 'great friend!' Gracee??? time will tell!!! Having dogs takes a lot of time and a lot of patience but the rewards are truly wonderful!!!

Why do we have 5 dogs???? Cause they needed us and we sure need all of them!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Member yesterday's blog and working in the lavendar garden??? Man oh Man does my bod feel it today! Not quite used to that constant bending that comes with garden work. Best to work into it GRADUALLY!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH! So, basically, today was 'easy on the bod' chores. Spent most of the day in the greenhouse planting new seeds and transplanting those precious plants that have outgrown their 'dirty' little homes---needing more space---stretching out. They got that new spacious home today! Good weather, goats got out to graze. Olympics over-Truly do welcome back Tues. night for NCIS's and the Good Wife. All is well! Hmmmmm, think I smell popcorn!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Worked in the lavender garden all afternoon cutting back the lavender that should have been cut back last fall. (better late than never???) Gus and Gracee where my little helpers??? Thank you gpa for starting the cutting back yesterday. That kicked me in the butt to finish the project!!

Gpa brought in some 'fresh cut rosemary' this evening to put on the lamb chops that we bbqued--made us think of the best smells in our memory----- rosemary-mmmmmmmm----lavender, of course, been with it all day, the MOST wonderful smell in the world, fresh cut alfalfa--what is better than that??? Maybe the smell of a SAWMILL---gotta tell ya--not a smell that most of you have grown up with-but-my Dad worked in a sawmill, I worked in a sawmill, Gpa worked in a sawmill and we had these wonderful sawmill smells growing up---nothing like it---there is nothing like the smell of a sawmill. Wish I could bottle it up and share it with all!!! If you ever get near a sawmill----take a deep breath and ENJOY the fragrance!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Sunday, February 28, 2010


This will be the last blog on the 2010 Winter Olympics-which I have enjoyed ever sooooo much.
Watching the closing ceremonies tonight. Hockey game between Canada and USA today-what can you say about that??? Awsome game, congrats. OH CANADA!!!

Gpa says---'just take the opening ceremonies and put it in reverse, FAST' and that will suffice! Humph!!! Silly guy!!!

Costco run today, we have food, lotsa food, so if any of you show up, you won't go away hungry!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

GOIN TA TOWN, GOIN TA TOWN-not a big town, but outta town!

Wonderful breakfast 'OUT' not just out, but even 'OUT' of town! Doesn't happen very often so was such a treat! Scrambled eggs, refried beans, spanish rice, tortillas, coffee and that big glass of MILK that is a MUST with every breakfast (although, a beer would have been great with this breakfast, just a bit too early for a beer)!

Delivered some Silkie hatching eggs to a family that is just getting started in those Beautiful, Awsome Silkie Chickens that are so full of character and personality!! Hopefully, they will continue to enjoy them as much as we have over the years. Think we got our first Silkies (Chuck and Cheryl) around 2000! WOW---that's been a long time and have not been without a Silkie since.

Rained, rained and rained some more. Back to mud, almost dried out but at least we are not having earthquakes, ice storms, tons of snow and tsanameeeess (however you spell it) so have no complaints!! All is well!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Friday, February 26, 2010


Having been a fan of the Olympics as far back as I can remember---Summer?--Winter?---doesn't matter, just love watching all these wonderful, athletic, focused, determined athletes! I am always so ' in 'AWWW!' Personally, would rather be HOME watching them instead of being there in the crowds, the horrible weather with all those cameras on me and microphones in my face---PLEEZ!!!

That having been said (written) will be glad when it's over cause I am such an 'early go to bedder' and have been staying up way way past my bedtime (yawn yawn). Last night, watching the Women's Figure Skating was UNBELIEVABLE!!! Never, ever, have I seen so many wonderful lady figure skaters in one night!!! Nobody fell on their butt, and isn't that what we really want to see? THEY WHERE ALL SPECTACULAR!!! Lovin it, as I will love the next Olympics!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The 'feathered friends' ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese think it's Spring (almost here) and have been laying eggs like crazeeee. Hence, we have been gathering eggs like crazeeee but it's no longer freezing every single night, so the time has come to let these girls be responsible for the eggs they are laying. No more gathering of the duck, turkey, and geese eggs---We say---'let the games begin!' Time for them to lay, set, hatch and raise their own babes. That is what they are supposed to do. Unfortunately, the natural broodiness (setting on eggs, hatching and raising) has been bred out of too many 'feathered friends' and it's time for them to get back to doing what they are supposed to do!!!

Soooooooooooo-it will be probably twenty(ish) days before they get enough eggs to set on, then 28 days for turkey hatching, and 35 days for duck hatching, it's going to be quite a process!

YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just learned of the passing of a dear sweet person I worked with for many years. Don't know, at this time, why. She was a warm, friendly person. All who met her loved her, you just couldn't help but love her to pieces!. Kinda that type of person who would take you 'under her wing', a nurturing person, fun, loved her family with all her heart and soul. She lived a long life to the fullest, but still too young to leave us. I salute you, dear friend, I will always have the fondest of memories. You shall be greatly missed. A rose will be planted for you this Spring. gmasu...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It can be cold cold cold----but as long as the SUN SHINES and the wind does NOT blow--it's a great day---however---SUNSHINE has been lacking around here and I have little green things in the greenhouse that need a lot of SUN!!! Toms., peppers, flowers, vines, lettuces, are showing their little green heads, but am having to turn on the greenhouse heater full blast as it's getting in the teens every night and having to cover those precious green plants.. Gets about 80 during the day without the heater BUT needs to be warmer-----longer-----hmmmmm wonder how much higher my electric bill will be next month???

Takin' a break from the Olympics and watching a movie cause it's due back tomorrow! XOXOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Monday, February 22, 2010


OK OK!!-Did NOT get even a single chunck of compost out of the pickup today, BUT got the green pea climbling fences ready to go so will spread the compost around that area tomorrow.

Avalon and Babe (Nubian Goats) got to venture out this afternoon and hang out with me as I was working in one of the garden beds. They where good little girls until I was out of their sight, you know, just to get wire, tools, twine and those goodie garden things, then they cried their little eyes out---MAW MAW MAW (where are you?) They where happy when it was time to go back to their goat house--just can't deal with this big bad world!!! Goats----'lighten up a bit'!!! Tomorrow, Toasty and Joe get to come help me. OH BOY---they could be even louder! XOXOXOXOXOXO gmasu...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Had a great opportunity today to go to Weiser and get garden compost for the ridiculous price of FREE!! Thank you Aunt Staci for tracking this one down. A pickup load of wonderful wonderful compost that will go into the garden and flower beds. Met a really nice couple with the same interest----that would be those wonderful 'animals everywhere!' The lady with the compost was looking for a couple of 'setting silkies' (chickens) which I happened to have because they have been sooooo into setting, even though I scoot them off their nests daily and have taken all eggs away to discourage them from setting and hatching at this time. Am thinking these 2 girls have found a wonderful home and will do what they want to do----set, hatch and raise babies!!!

Guess you know what I will be doing for the rest of the week-----that would be unloading the compost from the back of the pickup!!! YEAH!!!!! anybody wanna help??? Must be spring!!!


Saturday, February 20, 2010


The best friends Pyrs. decided they did NOT want to be best friends yesterday when they had their 'outside' time. All over a really big, huge, yummy soup bone. Imagine that!!! Heard lotsa growling, saw BIG white teeth, 2 sets of them, there was some pink fur, couldn't get them apart so just stood back until they where through trying to decide whom the Alpha Dog was, can't say there was a real winner. Looked like a tie to me! Best buds again tonight. All was well with them! YEAH!!!

Avalon and Toasty (goats) got their pre-natal (sp) shots today cause they should be preggers, due the first of May. Cool weather today, a bit of sun but not enough!!! Back to the Olympics!! GO USA!!! XOXOXOX gmasu...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Goose Egg!!!

Totally spaced out yesterday's BLOG!!! (got too involved in the Olympics!) Of which I already had the title in my mind while doing the morning chores and that was GOOSE EGG!!! YES----our precious Goose Gals, partners of Goose Guys finally layed that FIRST golden Goose Egg! We had discussed collecting any goose eggs and putting them in the incubator---BUT---reconsidered that because the whole purpose of what we are doing on Muscovy Flats Heritage Farm is to let the animals do what comes 'natural' to them, and that sure ain't taking their eggs away and doing it 'our way!'

The place Goose Gal layed her egg is a location that we can moniter and close off when she starts 'setting' and would rather have her there than having some nest that we can not moniter. So----here's hoping she will lay her clutch, set, hatch and we will have some cute little goslings running around!!!!

My post for this evening, Fri. will be Mexican Pizza for dinner and on to the Olympics!!!!!!!!!!!
GO USA!! xoxoxox gmasu...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I was feeding and watering the Mulefoots (Pigs), Kenna and Mason (Pyrs) got into a big fight! Must have been an old nasty piece of 'something' laying around that they both wanted----anyway--- a lot of growling and vicious noise making going on! Not an unusual occurrance, so continued on with my chores. When I next got a visual on the Pyrs.---they where both setting together, Kenna had her paw on Masons back!!! They gave each other a couple of loving 'licks!' Could not believe my eyes!!! How long will this loving relationship last??? Surely until the next nasty piece of 'something' is laying around that they both want at the same time, but was a very precious visual!!! Lovin' the Olympics!!! XOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


FINALLY----got back to doing my chores! Felt good! G'pa went back to work, so I was 'back on the job!' Thanx, G'pa for doing chores so I could go see Alex-AND-spend the day with 5 grandsons, daughters, sons, and a whole bunch of extended family--what a truly great family!!!

K---'silly ducks'---as I was doing my chores and taking my routine walk along the ditch bank to see who was IN and who was OUT of the water-you know, the morning 'duck bill' count-------noticed an egg laying on the edge of the canal, in the water (barely). Why do the ducks have to have their nests so close to the water on a STEEP bank so their eggs roll into the water??? (cause their ducks!) Had to put the waders on (glamorous things that they are, (blue)), and tromp along the canal to see how many nests in the 'unreachable' area), anybody have a boat??? Did find 2 nests, with eggs, sooooooo looks like there will be an extra step to morning chores---climbing down the steep bank, wading through the canal and checking for duck eggs!!! Love those duck eggs!!! XOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Monday, February 15, 2010


Alex, loved seeing you today, especially loved seeing the improvement you made from morning to afternoon! YES YES YES!!! Isn't it wonderful to see that so many people care! What a hospital party you had!! Hopefully, you will make it home tomorrow but PLEASE REST!!! XOXOXOXOX g'masu...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Took the new subee for a spin, nice ride. Lunch out with G'pa. He's doing chores so I have no animal stories today, YET! Am sure something will happen. Only had to chase the Muscovies home once so far today!!! They took flight---always fun to watch them fly! See most of you tomorrow--Have a HAPPY HEART DAY!!! gmasu...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

G'Ma Got a Brand New Car!!!

Was going to do 'Gracee's Great Escape' story-----BUT---G'Ma went out and bought a BRAND NEW CAR! Was NOT the plan, Gus & Gracee where with us (so that will tell you that Gracee's Great Escape was unsuccsseful), so did NOT plan to buy a car! Gotta a Subaru Legacy. This Subaru that we have had for the past 8 yrs. has been great!!! The new one is a bit bigger and ya just can't beat a Subaru!!! Soooooooo----Must take it for a test drive on Monday, see you then Alex!!! Isn't that the best Valentine's gift in the world??? A BRAND NEW CAR!!! tHANK YOU, G'PA!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


OK-----boys and girls---this blog is for my grandkids out there. Hopefully giving them a quick read about what goes on in the daily life of G'ma and G'pa and what it's like at
Muscovy Flats Heritage Farm in beautiful IDEEEEHO!!!

G'pa has been gone for 3 days so is doing me a favor and taking over the evening chores.
(that's why I have time to do this).

The geese, Goose Guys and Goose Gals, are giving him a bit of extra excercise--they seem to be not staying on their own property, venturing out and exploring places where they should not
be----hmmmmm----roast goose for Valentine's dinner????? Maybe I better give him a hand!
Alex-be well! Later, G'ma su...