Friday, April 30, 2010


Doing chores---First part of the 'chore' routin is 'feeding of the cats'! For some reason, they think they have senority over all else!! Maybe cause the oldest cat has been around for ---what?????15 yrs!!! OK OK---sooooo that's the way I start chores. Cats first, corn for all the 'feathered friends' 2nd, then onto the goats... GOATS!! Went to the goat shed, saw that Toasty was not out and about with the others, peeked through the many 'peek holes' in the goat shed and saw 4 teeny, tiny legs----I left--not wanting to disturb anything, finished the rest of the chores with the anticipation as to what was going on in the Goat Shed!!! Finished the chores, went to the goat shed and Toasty had 2 beautiful little baby goats that she was seriously taking care of-----ok---according to the pic. of Toasty, she was taking care of her appetite and the babies (2 doelings, girls) hanging around! All was well---
THEN----got a visual of a Muscovy Duck Mamma that was walking around the yard with 16 baby ducklings!!! Major panic set in cause she was just doing her Mamma thing, but our really big male goose was really really curious about the cute, little, fluffy things walking around the yard----------here is where I got the 'visual' of whomever it was that came up the the idea of 'BIG BIRD' cause that is just what he looked like when BIG GOOSE was peering DOWN at the baby ducklings!!! Ya gotta know, that this all happened before BREAKFAST and before I had a SHOWER!!!
Went to the goat shed to check on the babies and Avalon had delivered 2 more goat babies!!!!! 1 (doeling, 1 buckling) OMG!!!-----------it's Friday, the day to kinda 'kick back' and it's obvious that things are happening and happening at a really fast pace!!!! At the end of the day---the goat herd had doubled in size!!! 16 more baby ducks than the day before, and it turned out to be a really BAD HAIR DAY!!! (for me)! Never got the opportunity to even 'fix' my hair---kinda a big deal with me.. OH WELL!
When is the next FULL MOON???? I must plan ahead!! Yeah right---there is never 'planning ahead in this life!!! Dinner tonite???? hmmm, can't remember! Love my life, gmasu...
Hey---comments on 4 new names for the baby goats!!!

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