Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's very rare that a rooster will last for 11 years, but that's how long we had Oloff. That being said, we didn't hatch him ourselves, but he was a young when we ordered him off ebay (before eggbig) from Minnisota. Soooooo---Oloff and His Bride (yes, that was her name), Americauna Rooster and Hen arrived 11ish years ago. His Bride has been gone for approx. 8 years. Oloff hasn't been very active as of late. He had to be separated from the 'flock' for quite some time as those young and upcoming roosters where not respecful of the Ol' Roo. Oloff hung out with the goats and he had a few hens with him from time to time and outlived his hens.

Oloff would walk up to the house and kinda mingle around the edges with the yard birds on occassion. Noticed a couple of days ago he was kinda 'stumbly' (not sure if that's a word!). We had been recently discussing the fact that he would probably not be around much longer. When I do the morning chores, was always more surprised to find Oloff 'alive' in the morning, than I was when I found him 'not alive' yesterday morning. I am so so glad that he had a long and wonderful life and just went to 'sleep.' Would have been heart broken had some cruel animal got a hold of his vulnerable body and drug him off---------here's to you Oloff...

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