Saturday, April 24, 2010


BEEZ----Very, very sad this week when we opened the bee hives and the bees did not make it through the winter. Don't know if it was from the cold, disease, or what---do know that the hives will be cleaned out of the little carcuses (sob) put back together and we will get more bees! Every flower I have planted in the past several years have been for the BEEZ. I will continue to plant for them. Will miss that wonderful honey this year, and will guard what I have like GOLD---oh--wait--it is! Sorry, guys, probably won't be a sharing of the honey jar this year!!! NEXT YEAR!!!

QUACK QUACK----Our precious Blue Swedish Duck and his family of 5. They went to a new home this morning! A lady stopped by this week wanting to know if we had any ducks she could get. Have had ducks go to her home in the past years, so know she has a very 'duck friendly' environment. Have decided to just concentrate on the Muscovy Ducks (of course, Muscovy Flats, DUHHHHH!) Quack Quack was the last of our original ducks. We started on the wonderful 'DUCK & GOOSE PATH' in 2005 so he is 5 yrs. old next month. They will do very well in their new environment, you should see the water they will be swimming in, not that our canal isn't great, but the new canal will be quite a challenge in 'duck world' it's running pretty fast at this time. Farewell, my friend, Quack Quack and your friends, I know you will have a wonderfully swimmingly great life, and your new guardians will take very good care of you!!!

MOTTLED JAVAS---One of the oldest breeds of chickens in America, known to be in existence in 1835! How cool is that?? We have been, patiently, on the waiting list to get these little guys for 2 years!!! 25 showed up Wed. 10 roosters, 15 hens. They are touted as being self'-sufficient, hardy, lay brown eggs, excellent broody hens (setting and hatching their eggs) and mothers, a great meat bird!!! What we have noticed with this group of 25 (they ALL arrived LIVE) pretty rare in the baby chickie world --is that they are HYPER-CHICKIES!!! My gosh! (chicks on speed)!! These guys are very HIGH ENERGY!!! Now----I have been in the world of 'baby chicks' for about 30 years and these guys are way way 'out there.' Will be interesting to see how they develop. Like the ducks, we are trying to pin down that 1 Heritage Breed in each animal, ie: ducks, turkeys, pigs etc., and just concentrate on that particular 'Heritage Breed'. Should be an interesting adventure!!! Like All the Adventures we take---

OK----won't go into the other weekly crazy happenings----IS THERE A PLUMBER OUT THERE!!!! Will just tease you with that!!!!!!!! (ps. not a privy problem, this time!!)XOXOXgmasu...

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