Saturday, June 12, 2010


You must take time to refer back to the Blog of April 30--"MUST HAVE BEEN A FULL MOON." That was in reference to the baby goats that where all born on that day. Do believe it was mentioned that there where 3 doelings and a buckling. My precious buckling, Hershey!!! He is sooooooo cute! Made an apptointment for him to become an unbuckling (wether, castrated, clip clip, you know) on June 16. Butttttttttt---I had this brain storm idea that maybe there would be an interested person that would want this cute buckling as a BUCK before he was clipped!!!

Posted an ad on Craig's List---hey, he's not going to do me any good as a Buck, cause he's related to everything I have here and 'that' just ain't happening!!! Had a few interested persons, 1 really interested person but she lives quite a ways from here soooooo she wanted to know if I would send her some pictures to see if it would be worth a drive to check him out. Not a problem!!! Have known her for a while and it would be the perfect place for Hershey to go! The main thing she was interested in was the confirmation of the buckling ie: legs, back, head, mouth anything I could possibly get, including 'the package'!!! You know what I'm refering to--- guys!!! THE PACKAGE!!!

Went to the goat barn, camera in hand and spent a fun time snapping pictures of Hershey---ok ok---did take a couple of the other babies, how can you resist??? 67 pictures in total!!! When it came time to take a picture of THE PACKAGE---I could NOT find a package!!! What the heck is going on here??? NO PACKAGE on this little buckling---ya know why?????????? Cause he really was a SHE and I had not taken time to really really check out 'things.' Can you imagine my embarrassment in dropping that 'news flash' to the person that was interested in a HIM???

She was a real trooper at my stupidity, my non observance, and we had a great 'laugh' that lasted all day!!!!!!!! When I sent her a picture of the UNDERBELLY, ---- her comment was 'YEPPERS, SHE'S A DOE' more laughing out loud!!!

Moral of the story------always know what your selling so you won't make a fool out of yourself!!! Toasty, Erma and Honey did get sold to a wonderful, wonderful home! They will live a wonderful life of eating pasture and frolicking in the fields!!! I miss them tonight!

On the other hand---I could not be more tickled that Hershey is really a little doeling cause she is so so sooooooo cute!!! Please remind me to cancel her appointment for Wed. for neutering cause there just isn't anything to clip!!! She is now known as Hershey Kissis!!! Must go delete 67 pictures off my camera!!!XOXOXOgmasu...

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