Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yes, yes, yes! I did take MOST of Wednesday off! Did morning chores, had lunch with a dear friend, then we spent the afternoon going through some awsome 'SHABBY-SHEEKIE SHOPS!!! Places I had never been in before, some places that I did not even know where there, one place that looked very very interesting, paper plate sign on the door--'OUT TO LUNCH-BACK AT 2.' Welllllll--it was 3:30 when we where there, sign still on the door. Must have been a heck of a lunch!!! Can't wait to go back when it's OPEN! So---went and had pie and ice cream!! DEELISH!!!

Was very fun to get 'out and about' and spend the day with 'real people!' Came home, did the evening chores! It was a fun day----so I took most of the day off but didn't lay around like these kids are doing!!! They are just as cute as can be!!! Help me think up some names for them. XOXOXOXgmasu...

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