Wednesday, May 19, 2010


WOW!!! It's been awhile and so much had happened that I must do some 'ketchingup.' I LOVE LOVE LOVE my guard dogs!!! Gpa gone 2 nights last week (why do things always happen when he is gone???) Dogs are barking like crazy, actually woke me up out of a deep sleep---went outside to see what was going on and saw a FOX trot(ting) down the road, squealling, caught his/her eyes in my flashlight!!! Watched it walk down the road then turn around and walk back towards me!! That's when I jumped up on the planter bed on the front porch and watched and listened to him/her screaming that shrill sound for an HOUR(ish). This went on from 2:40 am until 3:30 when I heard the shrill screaming in the distance, the dogs had settled and I felt safe and secure enough to go back to bed. Come on Gus and Gracee---jump up in the bed with me and keep me safe! They did!!!!!!!!Love my dawgs!XOXOXOXgmasu...
FAREWELL JOE!!! The most amazing thing happened---Joe went to a new home---not just any ole home---- but a KIDS PETTING ZOO!!! Is there any place in the whole wide world that would be a better home for Joe than a petting zoo??? This BEAUTIFUL goat who will just stand there and let you pet him FOREVER!!! We are so so happy for you, Joe!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
ASPARAGUS!!! OK you whiney babies who did NOT like the store bought asparagus last Christmas---your Mom & I canned pickled asparagus last Sunday---all day! There should be enough to get us through the holidays!!! A FUN day, 21 quarts!!! How about that??? Can't wait to give it the taste test!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
HORNS BE GONE!!! This will be it for the night---Those precious little baby goats---Hershey, Fancy, Honey and Erma---where 'disbudded' tonight (their little horn nubans BURNED off their heads) YEEEEEOOOWWWWWWW! Not something I can do, don't even have the equipment to do it, must be done when they are young. I choose to have my goats disbudded as having horns can cause problems, ie: getting them caught in something, breaking them off, butting and hurting someone, etc. etc. etc.! Not something I can do, but have the professionals come and take care of that evil chore! So--------that took place tonight. Thank Heaven they forget about the pain quickly and the smell of 'Burnt Hair' eventually goes away---(ever been to a branding??? kinda the same)!!! Poor babies, but their Mammas gave them lots of attention tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...
OK------------Did I 'CATCHUP' with everything??? That's it for tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...

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