Friday, February 26, 2010


Having been a fan of the Olympics as far back as I can remember---Summer?--Winter?---doesn't matter, just love watching all these wonderful, athletic, focused, determined athletes! I am always so ' in 'AWWW!' Personally, would rather be HOME watching them instead of being there in the crowds, the horrible weather with all those cameras on me and microphones in my face---PLEEZ!!!

That having been said (written) will be glad when it's over cause I am such an 'early go to bedder' and have been staying up way way past my bedtime (yawn yawn). Last night, watching the Women's Figure Skating was UNBELIEVABLE!!! Never, ever, have I seen so many wonderful lady figure skaters in one night!!! Nobody fell on their butt, and isn't that what we really want to see? THEY WHERE ALL SPECTACULAR!!! Lovin it, as I will love the next Olympics!!

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