Monday, February 22, 2010


OK OK!!-Did NOT get even a single chunck of compost out of the pickup today, BUT got the green pea climbling fences ready to go so will spread the compost around that area tomorrow.

Avalon and Babe (Nubian Goats) got to venture out this afternoon and hang out with me as I was working in one of the garden beds. They where good little girls until I was out of their sight, you know, just to get wire, tools, twine and those goodie garden things, then they cried their little eyes out---MAW MAW MAW (where are you?) They where happy when it was time to go back to their goat house--just can't deal with this big bad world!!! Goats----'lighten up a bit'!!! Tomorrow, Toasty and Joe get to come help me. OH BOY---they could be even louder! XOXOXOXOXOXO gmasu...

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