Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March in a nutshell----March started out- 60 degrees, do not believe we have seen that since. Probably have only seen the sun a TOTAL of, maybe, 3 hrs.!!! (all month) Had ---- snow, rain, hail, thunder & lightening, freeze, freeze, and more freeze-- did I say RAIN!!! Oh, yeah---some wind, also. Not just WIND---but really COLD wind!! Let's mooooove on----Happy Birthday to Son and Mother! Cancer free daughter---OH---did I mention that daughter is going to be a Grandmother and have many many happy years with her grandSON??? GrandSON will moving to another state so think that maybe some 'frequent flyer miles' will be in the future!!! Thoughts and Prayers still going out to the people of Japan. Animals-----Ducks are laying like crazeeee, have a couple of chickens that want to set on eggs, and we say 'GO FOR IT'!!! Geese and turkeys are laying and soon should be setting! Goats just wanna hang out INSIDE cause they are not BAD WEATHER goats!!! Lotsa mud around, but 2 days of the wind blowing will take care of that! Baby Javas are doing GRAND! Waiting for warmer nights and the Javas will graduate to the great 'protected' outer area with a heat lamp til they get used to the BIG OUTSIDE WORLD!!! All in All----that is March in a nutshell!! March totally FLEW by and there was NOT a dull moment---would have liked more SUN!!! Hear that APRIL???

Sunday, March 27, 2011


These words will be typed in gray letters, cause that is still the way the weather is here. GRAY, GRAY, grEy!! Rains during the day, freezes at night, the plants are still going back and forth daily to Butt Ugly greenhouse! Feel as thought I am living on the Oregon Coast instead of sunny Rural Ideeeeeho!! Why, I can almost feel the ocean touching my toes, I can almost taste clam chowder and salt water taffy! Speaking of salt water----I can almost feel salt spray on my face-----HEY-----is that a Starfish over there??? Pleeez, SUNSHINE, I am missing you sooooo much, come back to me!!

Hey----Forget the rain---- this is much more important and I am going to quote my daughter--------2 shots $$$$$, 1 radiation pill $$$$$, 1 ct scan $$$$$, 1 phone call saying 'Cancer Free' --- PRICELESS!!! Could not have said it any better! Thank You ALL for your prayers, Thank You God for answering all those prayers!!! Life is GOOD, who cares if it rains all the time???

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I recently heard my Grandaughter say that "G'mas house was the stop before the dump!" I had to LAFF OUT LOUD! It is sooooo true, my grandkids know me toooooo well! Hence, this beautiful fountain was destined for dumpville and saved by the grandsons----it just looked like something that would work at G'mas house and it DID! We love it to pieces and can't wait for it to be flowing again, SOON, love that bubbling, gurgling (sp) sound of water, not to mention the plants that surround it! My hope for my grandchildren is that they learn as much from me as I learn from them!!! Kinda dark in the house-----have recently learned to TURN OFF THE LIGHTS if I leave a room!!! Thanx------2 u no who!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


45 degrees in 'Butt Ugly' greenhouse at 6 am this morning!!! Think the plants slept snuggly------------------even if I didn't!!! Later------------------

Monday, March 14, 2011


Sunny day today---so-- once again packed all plants out to the greenhouse to 'soak up the RARE sun that we have had. FINALLY-----it is not supposed to freeze tonite, soooooooo---should I or shouldn't I? Should I or shouldn't I? Finally made the ultimate decision to leave plants in the greenhouse overnight, totally covered with blankets over the plastic covers (really not blankets---just old curtains, sheets, pieces of fabric that have been around for years and years just for 'plant covering' purposes wheather it be in the Spring or in the Fall---whenever our friendly weatherman reports that it may FREEZE!!! Sooooo-the 'green children' are spending their first night OUT in the greenhouse! Do have a heater out there, but with big hole in roof thought it would be a waste of precious $$$$$ to turn it on and have $$$$$ go out the roof!!! We shall see what happens in the morning!!! Will I get any sleep tonight? Will I give in and go pack the plants all back inside? Will I have to start planting all over again? Well--------will let you know tomorrow----OH, BY THE WAY--------------after I got through covering all plants feeling confident that with a bit of protection they would NOT freeze--------------I went over to the water hook-up and UNhooked the hose----------------just in case it froze!!! Go Figure!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Very sad day---earthquake in Japan, lots of lives lost and am sure there will be more---I soooo appreciate everyday!

The hatch is done, ended up with 24---very good hatch! Embrace EVERY DAY!!! Don't forget
that time changes this weekend! Love Life!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


WOW!!! What a coming out party we have been having!!! Pleez refer back to Feb. 16---32 Java eggs in the incubator, waiting for 21 days, which was yesterday---these chickees where right on Q!!! Started hatching yesterday EXACTLY on time! We figured on a 50% hatch which is pretty normal and OK-----as of this evening----we have a hatch of 24!!! AMAZING!!! That's like 2 dozen new chicks---- was not counting on 24 more chickens!!! Maybe 12!!! Looks like there may be 1 more chick to hatch, will see!!! This has been so exciting that we may have to start another batch shortly until a Mom gets ready to set and do the job for us! WE LOVE THESE JAVAS!!! The dark chicks are Black Javas, the light chicks are Mottled Javas-RARE breed!!! Rained a lot these past couple of days, but everything is turning GREEN!!! Update later-------

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


YEAH----know it's hard to believe that I am posting something that is NOT about the animals---just wanted you to see what was 'under' and 'around' the animals!!! Just that there is no place around here that I can take a picture of anything that does NOT have an animal in it! They are EVERYWHERE!!! It's either an animal or a hose, usually a hose in a picture---This picture is all about the SNOW!!! Snowed almost ALL day long, quite a surprise--figured it would rain but not snow!!! Chicks in the incubator are pipping (trying to break out of their egg shells) we shall see what the morning brings!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY #1 SON!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

TRASH TALKIN'----------------------------

NOT quite sure how this picture came about, am sure that it came about at least 6 yrs. ago at Christmas time----that makes me confident that it totally was an ACCIDENT and the 'real focus' was surely on something else! That said----it is possible that the person who took this picture was, possibly, OUT OF FOCUS!!! YES, there is a partner to this SLIPPER----How many of you can admit to having a pair of slippers that has lasted approximately 30 YEARS??? These deer -hide slippers have!!! They have been around for numerous marriages, divorces, births, many relocations, seen the inside of many many different closets----probably have stepped on a lot of (really strange) things----cause they have truly NOT been PAMPERED!!! They totally gave up tonite, TOTALLY----not even possible to strap duck tape on them and hope for more!!!They went in the TRASH------but----for some reason, that does not seem like a good ending for them. May have to pluck them out and give them a decent burial ---- they have soooooo earned it!!! Will have to shop for a replacement----but there will NEVER be a pair that could take their place!!! Farewell, dear friends!!! (ps---the UGLY gold carpet beneath SLIPPER is long gone)!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


COCOA---------Muscovy Duck Hen---the picture makes her look gray, when she is truly COCOA colored, brown with just a bit of gray---maybe my smartphone camera ain't soooo smart, after all!!! Young duck, very friendly!!! Her Momma, Sally, came from Wisconsin. Actually had Sally shipped from 'there to here' cause that was back in the day when there where NO Muscovy Ducks in this area! Or, any that I could find!!! Cocoa is a 'sweetie' a real PET, glamour girl, Great Mother, last year was her first year for hatching! LUV her to pieces!!!
OK-----started out raining this morning, doom and gloom! Thought the day was going to be totally 'indoor' so planned for it! THEN --- the SUN came out and---- plants where transported to BUTT UGLY greenhouse and did some transplating out yonder (80 degrees in there) had to find something to do in BUTT UGLY!!! When doing Sunday morning chores, always listen to Gospel Music on my MP3---enjoyed Alan Jackson's Precious Memories, check it out----------AWSOME!!! Sundays is ironing day---so put Social Network in the VCR---actually--pretty good movie, wasn't sure if I would like it, but DID! Reading (listening to) 'Blood, Bones & Butter' by Gabrielle Hamilton, a Chef---am in the 'Butter' part am in loving it! Bucket List --go to Italy!!!
The fried chicken that was going to happen tonite turned into a 'roasted chicken' less muss, less fuss, was AWSOME---I do believe it was one of Louie's cousins----Java Rooster and he was WUNDERFULLLLLLLLL!!! OH- OH- OH-----------incubater??? took the 32 eggs out of the automatic turner today, they do not need to be on an automatic turner when they are about to hatch getting 'turned' and 'jostled' around---3 more days and we will see what we have!!! Louie's Babies!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

OHHHHHH---------------HOW I LOVE SILK!!!

Silk sheets?? Sure------they are mighty fine! Silk stockings?? Really---- doesn't work around here! (wool is much better)! Silk worms?? Wonderful little creatures, love what they make, but a REAL worm makes REALLY good compost!! Silk jammies! OH YEAH!!!! AHHH- wonderful thing, until you put them with the silk sheets---then it's a night of--- HANG ON TIGHT!!!
My favorite SILK in the whole world are my SILKIE CHICKENS!!! First got Silkies in 2000 and have not been without since. Their feathers feel sooooooooo silky! Small(ish) chicken, great mothers, great broody hens. You can put a pile of rocks under them and they won't leave until the rocks HATCH!!! Our broodie silkies have hatched out turkey eggs, duck eggs, any other eggs that we have put under them. The reason we have Silkies is only because they are soooo cute, and soooo comical to watch. They live in the front area of our place, are true 'yard ornaments' with comments from people that occasionally drive by and enjoy watching them. They are sooooooo entertaining!! Busy, busy all day long!! They are for SHOW and GLOW! (and for hatching any and everything)!! See----they do have their own purpose here! Interesting thing about a Silkie chicken----------------- they have black skin under those beautiful silkie feathers!!
Have a request for fried chicken, mashed pots., gravy and homegrown corn for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Certainly will NOT be a SILKIE---------------------they are sooooooo safe from the fryer!!! SILKIES ROOL!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


REMEMBER 'that butt ugly' picture of the greenhouse from yesterday's blog?????? That Butt Ugly greenhouse had a whole bunch of company today----all plants where packed out to it and got to soak up some of those glorious sun rays today!!! Perked them right up! NEVER EVER underestimate the power of SUN RAYS!!! Plants felt good, dogs felt good, chickens where dusting up a storm (their version of a tanning bed)! I felt GREAT!!! Even did some spring cleaning (inside). Know that sounds crazy to be INSIDE on a beautiful, sunny day-----but----- because the Bassets spent the day OUTSIDE---that gave me the opportunity to vacuum the dog hair off the furniture and polish the wood floors-----been awhile!!! (A long while)! Sposed to rain for the rest of the week----BUT---------60 degreeez today & got a lot done!!!