Monday, February 28, 2011


An admission----I do NOT have the cutest greenhouse there ever was! BUT--------there is a bit of history that goes with the UNcutest greenhouse there 'ever was.'-------------We bought the 'ugly greenhouse' about 11 seasons ago (before Craigslist). Homemade---put it on the back of a flat bed trailer and drove EVERY back road possible to get it HOME.
Paid---like---minimum $$$ for it with the hope that it would last for a 'couple' of seasons-------HONESTLY----that was 11 YEARS ago!!!!!!! Can you just imagine how many plants every year that has been grown in this greenhouse for the past 11 years??? How much FOOD it has provided for us??? HOW much 'enjoyable' time I have spent in this 'uncute' greenhouse for all these years??? It was only supposed to last a 'couple' of seasons! Will admit--this year it does have a really big hole in the top of it, may just throw some plastic over it---it has been BLOWN away--totally, BLOWN AWAY---had to rescue it and bring it back from wence it was blown! My most favorite place to be when the SUN shines and I can hang out in the UNcute greenhouse. Can NOT wait for the sun to shine so I can beeeeeeee there!
OHHHHH-speaking of 'book by the cover'---am reading (listening to) Pride and Predudice, that classic-------my original thought was booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrring------but got the 'mind set' as to the time frame it was happening (early 1800's) and OH MY GOSH---life was not as it now. (thank Heaven!). Am sure it was required reading back when I was in school (yes, they did have books!)---am sure I chose NOT to read it, am sure I would have not understood it THEN---am understanding it NOW!!! With all the years BEHIND me-----I have learned NOT to judge a book by it's cover!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


KINDA----------watchin' the Academy Awards! So far---have not seen a single movie that is up for an AWARD!!! But----eventually----plan on seeing them all. Took me 30 years to see 'GONE WITH THE WIND' (well worth the wait), have read (listened) to the book 3 times, sooooooooooo----there is hope to see all the potential winners---may take a while, but there is always something to look forward to. MAY THE BEST MOVIE WIN!!!!!! (Still like 'Sound of Music')! Must watch that again!

Friday, February 25, 2011


All our 'feathered friends' must think it's Spring!!! Every (thing) is laying eggs EVERYWHERE!!! Some people hunt birds, deer, elk, bear, we hunt EGGS!!! The geese are laying, the chickens are laying, the ducks are laying---it's just too cold to let anybody 'set' on their eggs so we have been collecting them. Fridg. is full of EGGS! Dogs get an egg for breakfast every morning---that's 5 eggs per day right there! Soon as the weather breaks---will let everyone 'set' on their eggs then we will have 'babies' everywhere! Spring is always a FUN time of year, just wish it would hurry and get here!!!
Every since we have moved to this area (16 yrs. ago-----that time went FAST) February has brought at least a week of SPRING TEASE----you know------when the sun shines and you just want to get outside (or in the greenhouse) and do SPRING THINGS!!! Hasn't happened this year----I'm doing what needs to be done outside and head for inside!!! SUNNNNNNNNNNNNN-------------where are you??? I miss you soooooooooooo much! Please come back to me!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MY MILLES-----------MY LITTLE LADIES----------

Mille Fleur D'Uccle------------meaning---------Thousand Flowers-----that's because their feather coloring is such a rich, bright, mahogany, reddish, gold color!!! These girls are TOUGH, they are not supposed to be TOUGH, but have been very winter since we have had them. The Mille's are a very, very small breed, 26 oz. for the roosters, 22 oz. for the hens, on average! Fragile and delicate in appearance but MAN O MAN ------ if they want to get away from something they can 'fly HIGH' not far, but really HIGH, roof top high!!! Normally, pretty calm, lay small light brown eggs, very broody---have been so enjoyable to have around!!! The first to roost up at night and the last to get 'out and about' in the morning!

At this time, we do NOT have a rooster and need to get one. Had 2 roosters last fall and a person wanted to buy one, saw no problem with that, but it wasn't too long after that, our other Mille Roo just died, nothing had been wrong, JUST FOUND HIM DEAD. I really, really think he missed his Buddy! Am in search of 2 more Roos----------------Craigs List-----------here I come!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Had the opportunity today to put some plants in the greenhouse for a QUICK BLAST of sunshine---actually---about the time I got them all hauled out----it was almost time to haul them back in again---well worth it--------any little bit of SUN just gives them that needed BOOST, perking up and feeling GREAT!!! SUN is always a good thing!!!

YEAHHHHH---girls---you are home---after a 'vacation' with Rocky (blogspot 1-29)---you girls spent time with Rocky and cute little baby goats (kids) having a wonderful time, interacting with other goats, wonderful for YOU---but I truely missed you to pieces!!! Guess we will see in 5 months how much FUN you had!!! I do believe I saw a SMILE on your face s when you got home!!!
Check out music-----------Mumford and Sons, and Bruno Mars---great sounds!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AND THE WINNER IS------------------------???

HICKORY-------Scottish Deerhound from the Hound Group. Hickory looks like a fun dog to have around. (NO---not looking to get any more dogs!) Gus and Gracee (Basset HOUNDS where rooting for Hickory, so all ended well. Fun two evenings of watching the dog show!!!

BUT--------------------there is something else going on---------------------------------------------
Thirty-two Java eggs went into the incubator today!!! Will see in 21 days how many of these eggs will hatch. March 9 will be the due date!!! Always exciting when it comes to hatching time!!! The roosters have been 'pretty active' lately soooooooooooooooooo hopefully the fertile rate will be good. We always expect a 50% hatch rate from the incubator, sooooo if 16 hatch, that will be just fine. None of the Java Hens have gotten broody yet and when they do we will let them set and hatch their own the NATURAL way--but in the meantime, just trying to get a head start!!! Ya'all keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Westminster Dog Show going on last night and tonight---It is 'MUST SEE TV' even tho my breeds (Bassets and the Pyrs.) are not in any final, anywhere, at all----but---both breeds where awsome and we cheered them on! (Bassets and Pyrs. NEVER win)! Big things going on starting tomorrow morning-------so will be back tomorrow night to let you know WHAT! Who will win BEST IN SHOW tonight????? Big day tomorrow! Every day is an ADVENTURE!!! How cool!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


CHUCK------------The Big Bourbon Red Tom Turkey!!! Actually, this picture was taken last spring--------see??? NO SNOW, GREEN GRASS!!! And the Muscovy ducks are pretty young! Chuck has to take care of everything and everyone! We hatched Chuck in the incubator, we also hatched his mate Cheryl, but a fox got her 2 yrs. ago---that was before we got smart and let the Pyrs. out to patrol a larger space at night. So-------that was really sad for us when we lost Cheryl and really sad for Chuck, he was totally lost without her!!!
Chuck has since been put on the other side of the fence with the other Bourbon Red Turkeys so he can do real turkey things. Bourbon Red Heritage Turkeys are actually very smart, they breed, lay their eggs, set on them, hatch them out and are the best Mom's teaching everything baby turkeys (poults) need to know. The Mom's act like drill instructors with their poults!!! Bourbon Red Turkeys can fly and do, have lotsa pictures of turkeys on roof tops, up in trees, etc!!! Bourbon Red's are very personable ie: CHUCK, very curious (nosey), forage all day long, very hearty AND they are very deeeeeeeeelisious, naturally tender, very tasty! NO-----------------------------we will NEVER eat CHUCK!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


KENNA-----------Someday, I must write a book about KENNA------and there is truly a lot to write about KENNA!!! Great Pyrenees, she is 1 of 3 Pyrenees we have. She is ALFA dog and has no intention of turning in her ALFA CROWN to either Taz Man or Mason #2, the other two Pyrs. The Pyrs love their outside world and have their outside duties and do their duties very well. Livestock Guard Dogs!!! When our 'feathered friends' get tucked away and locked in for the evening, the LGDogs take over at night keeping the 'unwanteds' away! (fox, racoons, stray dogs, etc.). If I wake up at night and hear them barking, I know they are doing the job they are meant to do!!!
I have special feelings for Kenna, maybe cause she's a girl, maybe cause she has caused me the most trouble (will save that for Kenna Book) but sometimes when she looks at me with those big brown eyes---OMG!!! She has the most BEAUTIFUL eyes---it's like she has applied black eyeliner around her big brown eyes!!! Her eyes truly 'talk to me.' When she gives me 'that look' it means she wants to hang out inside and do 'girl things'!!! I simply can NOT resist---she gets to come inside and we girls do 'girl things'-----I do indoor projects----------------she sleeps----------------------- wherever she wants to!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!--------------

Welllllllll more like the 'TERROR OF THE BARNYARD!' Yes, I am a 'haughty' (or should I say 'naughty' Pilgrim Goose!!! Pilgrim geese are known to be 'calm and personable' cantcha tell??? Pilgrim geese are the only American geese that you can tell the breed of immediately when hatched, by their color. The adult males are white, adult females, dove-gray. We are most fortunate (sometimes) to have 2 of each.
These geese are really great 'watch dogs' will let you know when there is a stranger lurking. They have intimidated Gus soooooooooooo that he will walk miles and miles out of their way! One of the females, Sophie, has just started laying eggs for this season, have 2 eggs so far. Sophie and Carey are Mom and Dad to Marcelle MarssO and Claire, Claire should start laying her eggs shortly!!! Shall we hatch some eggs, sell the eggs for hatching, or just make a huge omelet????????????

Sunday, February 6, 2011


SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!! WOW!!! Awsome game! Super Bowl 45! Unbelievable---because I, me, Gma Su, have been around for EVERY Super Bowl Game that has been played since 'OOTTTT 1 - ONE- orrrrrrrrrrr 45 yrs. ago! Do not remember it being called 'Super Bowl Game' 45 yrs. ago and DO remember it was NOT in color on a big screen TV and can remember that you could NOT even see the players, let along the BALL!!! Love technology!!! Great Game!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH - did I mention that I was for Green Bay, cause, since the beginning of time (that is----Super Bowl Time---)Pittsburg Steelers are totally the LOW team on my Totem Pole---Yes Yes Yes------way BELOW Buffalooooooooooooo Bills......................!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Did my chores this morning, took about 2 hrs. Shaved my legs, took the rest of the day. That was it........

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


See it??? Do ya see it??? Those little green things... Basil, can ya smell it??? Well, it must be Spring, huh? Can't believe that cause it's supposed to get down to 12 degrees tonight, that does NOT sound like Spring! It too shall come. Can not really complain beings there is 2,000 miles of these great United States that is getting hammered with lotsa SNOW, ICE, WIND and every 'ugly winter' thing there is, so not going to
complain about a meezly 12 degrees (until morning chores)!
The girls are still gone, Avalon is still playing 'hard to get' and she missis her Mommy (that would be ME). Ordered bees today, ordered seeds today--------got some AWSOME pictures of grandkids that made my day!!! Life is GREAT! Happy February--- hearts, red things, roses and valentinezzzzz, OH YEAH---------and CHOCOLATE!!!