Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Actually--- started this blog last night, never did get it finished, had to go rescue a little turkey poult that could not find her way to the 'protected area.' Soooooo-----am starting over! One recent evening, as we where sitting on the front porch watching the lightening show, listening to the sound of the thunder, then checking to make sure all creatures where in their protected areas, we noticed that Snow (muscovy duck hen) and her 4 babies where on the other side of the canal and had no intention of being locked in for the evening. HEY-----if you're a DUCK---would you rather be 'locked in' or 'hanging out on the canal bank???' Snow and her ducklings did NOT come home the next day! Very devistating, did not BLOG it cause I try to stay away from the 'doom and gloom.' Yesterday afternoon, after being gone for 11 days, Snow and 2 of her ducklings came home!!!!!!! OMG!!! We where soooooo thrilled!! Where had they been? What have they been through? How far away from home did they go? Can only speculate as to what happened to the other 2 ducklings, but what a MIRACLE that Snow and 2 ducklings found their way home!!! They have been locked up all last night and all today and will be tonight. I realize, the door must be opened in the morning, and they must be allowed to do what comes 'NATURAL' for them---but I truely do believe having them back, for however long, is a TRUE MIRACLE!!! The picture of the lavender has nothing to do with the story, it is Lavender Season and the BEEZ are loving the lavender---hmmmmm---lavender honey??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grandson N!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!! May we all--------always believe in MIRACLES!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Not a real big 'harvest' at this time, but it is nice to be able to go out and 'harvest' a few things---been 'harvesting' lettuce, spring onions, radishes--- now, the second WAVE is coming on! A few raspberries here, some oregano there, a little bit of sage --- and --- Thank You, President O. for bringing up the 'TIME TO EAT YOUR PEAS' subject cause that reminded me I needed to harvest my peas and get them in the freezer------all done!!! Can't believe I am still planting seeds, transplanting stubborn veggies that haven't done well in the spot they have been in---BUT---BY GOLLY---after planting more beans---they are coming up like crazeeee---ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! Cabbage is almost ready to harvest---onions and pots. looking really good---am thinking this year we will take what we get and be thankful for it!!! PLEEZE------- may one of those 3 green Heirloom Toms. ripen overnight, and be ready to pluck and consume tomorrow-------probably NOT!!! (can't wait for the first ripe tom.) NOW--------------there's a BLOG to anticapate!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


4th of July weekend---I fixed a big, beeeuteeful, succulent ham, next to the last ham in the freezer. Thawed it out, stuck it on the baking pan--NO--cutsie cloves poked into the ham for decoration---NO brown sugar crusties spread over it for flavor, NO pineapple juices or slices for decoration---NOT even any Salt and Pepper!!! Possibly theeeeeeeeee most 'carefree' ham I have ever stuck in the oven, and believe me, that's all I did was STICK IT IN THE OVEN!!! It occurred to me that I am 'COOKING FOR MY DOGS AND WE GET THE LEFTOVERS!!! No seasonings go on anything that the dogs may eventually eat!!! They really really eat GRAND!!! Am thinking about fixing a Heritage Turkey for the weekend, am thinking about dousing it with FRESH SAGE, BUTTER, GARLIC, ONIONS, LOTSA SALT AND PEPPA---------Anything else I may rangle up from the Herb Garden---looking for FLAVOR, FLAVOR and MORE FLAVOR!!! HEY DOGS----How about some PEDIGREE out of a can??? ------------------ (at least for 1 meal)!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


As promised------pictures of the 'cuter than cute' Nubian baby goats!!! Seem to all be doing very well. Mom, for the first time as a Mom, seems to be taking it all in stride! Kuddos---to you Mom, Babe!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!! OK---let's see---as of now, we have baby goats, baby turkey poults, baby silkie chicks, baby ducks, baby goslings (geese)!!! Thank Heaven---dogs and cats have been to see our Vet (Best Friend)!

Wonderful time with a couple of grandsons---enjoyed every moment!!! Miss you, boyzzzzzz---come visit again, soon!

Planted more pole green beans today, 3rd time (charm?) if not, last time I'm planting and the local produce stand will become my 'NEW BEST FRIEND'!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Just look at me, Avalon, the best milk goat in the whole world!!! Do I really look like I could be a G'ma of 4??? My daughter, Babe---gave birth on 6/30/2011 exactly on her due date, to 4 precious little kids. Two boys, two girls, no problems---she was a trooper (just like her Mom--- must have taught her well!!). All healthy, jumpin' around and feeling friskeeeee! Am sure the person that is typing this will post some really really cute pictures of my grandkids, shortly!!! OH-------- by the way------I am DUE any day now, usually deliver 2---NOT even looking to break my daughters record, 1 would be just fine!!! (or so I am told)!!!