Monday, January 31, 2011


My girls are still gone---Avalon is truly playing 'hard to get! I put Babe in with Rocky and they started 'rockin' IMMEDIATELY!! So Babe is a 'done deal.' Hopefully, Avalon will 'turn in to a
goat slut' and be back home tomorrow----I truly do miss my girls!!! Gosh---I really miss the milking---you know? Just 'girl time' that lasts for about 10 minutes--- sometimes, that's just all it takes--------10 minutes of quiet 'girl time' then everything is 'as it should be!'

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The day has finally came that I get to go spend the night with my FELLA, Rocky, said Avalon!!!
And Babe gets to go spend the night with 'The Buck in the Other Pasture'---yep, that's his name!!! The time has come for the girls to be 'IN LOVE.'-------
Hopefully, we will have a couple of kids the end of June, first of July.

Got to see some cute little goat kids jumping and bucking and playing around today. Saw my 'spotty girls' from last year that got to go live at Rocky's home, they are so cute and getting to be big spotty girls. Will go out tomorrow and pick up Avalon and Babe, hopefully the job shall be done!!! Av has been wanting to see Rocky for quite some time, so I've had the vision of her laying out in the pasture on her back with all 4 legs up in the air yelling at Rocky to "come and get me" BUT----------Avalon is a true lady, and played 'hard to get'!!!

Anyway-----how exciting can a day be???? I sure miss my girls!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Picked these two little guys up this morning, and don't they just look as 'cozy' as can be??? Mulefoot piggies. Our Huntley (boar) doesn't seem to be getting the job done and getting any babies on the ground so had to go out and search for some. Cute now, but in about nine months these guys will be in the FREEZER!!! BUT---they will have a wonderful, pampered life before they go in the FREEZER!!! Really enjoy those BBQ pork chops that are cut 1 1/2" thick - YEEEEEEEEUUUUUMMM! That sausage, that bacon, those hams and everything else!!!!!! Never (hopefully) will we have to purchase that yucky grey, thin, tasteless stuff they sell in the super market that is called pork. YUCK! Mulefoot Pork??? The OTHER RED MEAT!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Meet Louie--------We have two black Java Roosters, but Louie is our only 'Mottled Java' Rooster. Java chickens are a critically endangered breed, and one of the oldest breed of chickens dating back to the 1830's. YES, that long ago------I well remember the breed as a youngster back in the 1830's!!! There are fewer than 2,000 of them now and we have chosen to raise the Java because they are endangered, because they are a Heritage Breed, because they are a 'dual purpose' chicken (eggs, and meat), because they are gorgeous, gentle, superior foragers and just about as hardy as a chicken can be!!! We got the chicks last April. We were on a waiting list for a full year before getting them and have been well worth the wait. We have both black and mottled, will let the Mom's do some hatching and will put some eggs in the incubator as we plan on keeping these 'precious gems' going. They lay brown eggs, just started laying recently and doing a great job!!!
Sooooooooooooo-----you are probably wondering how Louie got his name???? If you have watched the movie 'Leap Year' you will know---if you have NOT watched the movie 'Leap Year' it is a MUST SEE!!! My new fav. chick flick, (get it? CHICK flick?) and you will know from wence Louie's name came!!! Not the best picture of Louie, will do better next time!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Sweet Baby--------------You touched so many lives in such a short time. You were ever sooooo entertaining, 'laugh out loud' silly, sometimes a 'real pill' (but we quickly forget those times). You could run 'like the wind' mess up a freshly cleaned window pain 'IMMEDIATELY', but you had no clue, you just wanted to see what was happening on the other side -----and just look at that picture----you truly where part of the habitat----you just 'belonged' maybe only for a short time, but you truly did belong and you truly will be missed. I will shed a 'dear tear' and there are many that have and will. Sweet Dreams Sweet Baby---------------------------------------

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Trouble, Trouble and Worry---Reminds me of a Traveler's Insurance Co. commercial, the one with the dog worrying about his bone. The animal and kid commercials are always the best. While I was doing chores this morning my daughter called on my cell phone and as we where chatting, I'm watching Mason #2 digging and digging in the ground without making any progress --------it finally dawned on me that he had buried his bone yesterday when the ground was thawed and he couldn't dig it up this morning because the ground was frozen!!! I dooooo believe he was very 'troubled' and very 'worried' about that bone!!! I have long known that 'chores' really are not 'chores' but a wonderful source of 'entertainment' and it was VERY entertaining this morning!!! Looks like Gus is offering Mason #2 support!
By the way----that homegrown peach cobbler with the homemade ice cream I had last nite was really yummy! Never did see Mason #2 with his bone today, maybe the ground will be thawed enough tomorrow for a retrieve!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


OHHHHHH MY!!! Sure would love to indulge!!!
Maybe I will just have some peach cobbler!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Our house has 2 big couches. Both couches are red. My name is Gus, my girlfriends name is Gracee (she really is a bitch)! Gracee is ALWAYS on 1 red couch, I am ALWAYS on the other red couch. Our Mom and Dad never have anyplace to sit, soooooo for Christmas they got me this beautiful red doggy bed, isn't it nice? Guess which big red couch Gracee (the bitch is on)? Cantcha just TAIL how much I love my new bed??? We love our Mommy and Daddy (and their couches)!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Gus and Mason #2 in a game of GRRRRRR---must note - there is no snow on the ground so this pix. was take (before snow)! Hard to remember that far back-- Had a chat with my daughter tonite about--- if I had no animals to feed it would be like 'winning the lottery, a really BIG lottery' BUT how much fun is this??? Watching these animals do animal things, laugh-out-loud fun stuff! Entertainment just doesn't get any better! Heck, if I didn't have entertaining animals, I would not have anything to BLOG about! Who won the GRRRRRR game??? Well----the big white dog, Mason #2, just barely...

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Never before have we had a problem with indoor mice --- UNTIL THIS WINTER! Four outdoor cats that have really done a wonderful job, must be a problem for them this year. Maybe they are getting old, the oldest 2 are 14 yrs. but still doing a great job! Anywayzzzz--we needed to recruit an INDOOR kitty that we could train for the 'great indoors' cause ya just can't take an outside cat and have it instantly adjust to inside----Sooooo meet Caris---she was named for the main character in the audiobook I was listening to when she moved in. 'World Without End.' Awsome read (listen) Ken Follett, author,----'Pillars of the Earth', 'Fall of Legends' all great reads (listens). Caris is a baby, a real baby--I came inside to fix the dogs breakfast this morning and she was tormenting a baby mouse and had already 'put another one down!!!' Caris----you are SUPER HERO!!! We wanted you to take care of inside rodent problem and you have done that already in your kitty YOUTH!!!
Caris-----you are a 'KEEPER'!!! (but then, of course, anyone who ends up here stays forever!)...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It's a beautiful chunk 'o' cheez!! And it tastes good too!!! Reminds me of an 'I Love Lucy' Episode. Vitameatavegamin!!! First broadcast May 5, 1952. Where any of you around at this time??? Anyway--------------Almost 59 years later-YIKES, that episode is still Laugh Out Loud! A must C! What does that have to do with cheez???
This cheese is a goat cheese, back to the blog of 'milk hoarders' just one of those many products that are created from goats' milk. Did I previously mention the 'goats milk fudge' is the most awsome thing in the world, freezes very well and EZ to make??? Hmmmmmm---had lunch at a chocolate factory today with a dear friend, therefore, chocolate must still be on my mind!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

White on White!!!

Meet Harriett---A Muscovy Duck Hen that was hatched last year. She is really anxious to start laying those beautiful duck eggs this spring. IFFFFFF I don't collect her eggs daily, she will lay her nest full of eggs. She will lay about 20(ish) eggs, set on them for 35 days and nights then they will start hatching!!! Chances are Harriett will have somewhere around 17 little ducklings following her around in the spring. Let's check back on her-----Actually----just wanted to throw in another photo of snow just in case you all have not seen enuffffff snow yet!!!
We will check in on Harriett in a couple of months!!! Let's start thinking SPRING!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

ENUFF with these stupid winter trails!!!

Trails, trails, trails----there are trails everywhere around here--dog trails, goat trails, geese/duck trails, pig trails, trails to the mailbox and to the garage. It's been 'trailville' since the first of December!!! NOW---it's not even snow you are walking on it's ICE you have to navigate!!!
My greatest fear is packing buckets of water to the animals (3 times a day, cause it doesn't get above freezing) slipping on a really FRESH pile of dog poo (gotta be fast, cause it freezes FAST) dumping the water that I am packing and becoming a frozen ice sculpture (nestled on POO) until SPRING!!! OK OK----know the weather is really bad and really worse in a lot of other places, it would be nice to be able to WALK a distance with out skating!! Actually----it is kind of a 'hoot' watching the turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens and dogs sliding around on the ice, like me!!! THINK SPRING and MELTING!!!-

Sunday, January 9, 2011

There's Milk Goats and there's weed goats!!!

You all must understand----- there are MILK goats and there are WEED goats. I am a MILK goat!!!

I do NOT do snow nor ice nor heat nor rain nor wind and I will never ever eat a WEED, for I am a MILK goat!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Can't help it, possibly 'out of control' I LOVE MILK!!! Not the milk that comes from the 'store'
don't consider that 'milk' but the milk that I get daily from my precious Nubian goat. When you are a 'milk hoarder' the goat's milk may not be quite ENUF!!! I even venture out and get milk from a JERSEY milk cow. The Jersey cream is 'to die for' you just can't get cream like that any more, any where-----------makes wonderful ice cream, whipped cream, butter, buttermilk and sour cream (all homemade and NATURAL!) The goats milk makes awsome chevre, (can be used in any recipe that calls for cream cheese), goats milk fudge, ICE CREAM, numerous cheeses. The Jersey milk gets 'drank, drunk, consummed' the goats milk gets processed into cheeses and even frozen for when the precious Jersey milk dries up cause I just ain't gonna buy and consume 'store milk!' True confessions from a 'milk hoarder' Love My Milk!------------- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!