Tuesday, May 25, 2010


YES!!!! TWINKLE LITE SEASON is upon us!!! Absolutely can NOT get through an evening without 'TWINKLE LITES' somewhere around the property! They don't even need to be placed 'perfectly' preferabaly NOT-----they just need to be there and 'twinkle' cause when you gaze upon 'twinkle lites' they bring a smile on your face and make everything SHINE!!!
Busy day---Java Chix got moved to the Big Chix. Coop', they will learn to adjust, baby ducks, also, got moved to the Big World of 'feathered friends.' The goat family got 'out and about' for 'romping & grazing'. (I shaved my legs!)---then put up the TWINKLE LITES!!! If you all have not done it yet----you need to put up 'twinkle lites' --- just string'em around, guaranteeeed to put a SMILE on your face!!!XOXOXOXOXOgmasu...

Monday, May 24, 2010


I know, I know, I know-----you are all getting so tired of the baby goat pics. SORRRREEEEE!!!
Just can't help it when I go to the goat barn and they are doing something sooooooooo cute and I just happen to carry a camera with me and CLICK CLICK CLICK!!! Please bare with me for a while longer--ok??? Hershey usually is the one that sits in the grain dish, Fancy decided to join him today with Honey and Erma looking on---maybe I should get a bigger grain dish and they could have a 4-some!!!

Sooooo cold, still WINDY, still harvesting from out of the greenhouse so this 'picture taking' is my entertainment for now!!!XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Remember the Blog about FATHER GOOSE/Cary Grant??? The goose that was very protective with the baby ducks??? Well--the Goose you see in this picture was totally the opposite!!! He tormented the baby ducks to the point of actually getting in a fight with Father Goose who was trying to protect the duck! Not only was he tormenting the baby ducks but-----he got a hold of my leg and BIT ME!!! Can you guess where he is now??? YEP----------in the freezer!!! So if anyone has any Roast Goose Recipes they want to share, just send them my way!!!
'Peace & Harmony' is what we strive for around here, this Goose was not willing to cooperate. Always feel bad with this particular end result but did not feel I could let him go to another family that may possibly have small children that he may harm---so this was kinda the 'end of the road' and the end of the road sometimes means the 'Gateway to the Oven'!!!
The Roosters you see in the picture behind him also caused 'major friction' around here with their hens and everyone else. No need to send me recipes for roast chicken, already know how to do that!!!XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


WOW!!! It's been awhile and so much had happened that I must do some 'ketchingup.' I LOVE LOVE LOVE my guard dogs!!! Gpa gone 2 nights last week (why do things always happen when he is gone???) Dogs are barking like crazy, actually woke me up out of a deep sleep---went outside to see what was going on and saw a FOX trot(ting) down the road, squealling, caught his/her eyes in my flashlight!!! Watched it walk down the road then turn around and walk back towards me!! That's when I jumped up on the planter bed on the front porch and watched and listened to him/her screaming that shrill sound for an HOUR(ish). This went on from 2:40 am until 3:30 when I heard the shrill screaming in the distance, the dogs had settled and I felt safe and secure enough to go back to bed. Come on Gus and Gracee---jump up in the bed with me and keep me safe! They did!!!!!!!!Love my dawgs!XOXOXOXgmasu...
FAREWELL JOE!!! The most amazing thing happened---Joe went to a new home---not just any ole home---- but a KIDS PETTING ZOO!!! Is there any place in the whole wide world that would be a better home for Joe than a petting zoo??? This BEAUTIFUL goat who will just stand there and let you pet him FOREVER!!! We are so so happy for you, Joe!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
ASPARAGUS!!! OK you whiney babies who did NOT like the store bought asparagus last Christmas---your Mom & I canned pickled asparagus last Sunday---all day! There should be enough to get us through the holidays!!! A FUN day, 21 quarts!!! How about that??? Can't wait to give it the taste test!!!XOXOXOXOgmasu...
HORNS BE GONE!!! This will be it for the night---Those precious little baby goats---Hershey, Fancy, Honey and Erma---where 'disbudded' tonight (their little horn nubans BURNED off their heads) YEEEEEOOOWWWWWWW! Not something I can do, don't even have the equipment to do it, must be done when they are young. I choose to have my goats disbudded as having horns can cause problems, ie: getting them caught in something, breaking them off, butting and hurting someone, etc. etc. etc.! Not something I can do, but have the professionals come and take care of that evil chore! So--------that took place tonight. Thank Heaven they forget about the pain quickly and the smell of 'Burnt Hair' eventually goes away---(ever been to a branding??? kinda the same)!!! Poor babies, but their Mammas gave them lots of attention tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...
OK------------Did I 'CATCHUP' with everything??? That's it for tonite!!!XOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This Mother has had 11 babies since she first hatched them April 30, --------------------------
Had another Mother Muscovy hatch out 10 babies on Sat. Today, I have been collecting that Muscovy Mommy's babies one by one that she has left behind. This morning that Mommy had 8 babies, I have collected 4 and cannot find the rest. Have been looking until it got dark, hoping they would be huddled up someplace. Hopefully, Mommy will find them tonite and all will be well in the morning.
The cheese turned out AWSOME!!! Will be making much more!
Think we may have decided on names for the baby goats---Hershey, Fancy (thank you, Reba), Erma (thank you K) and Honey!!! Sound ok???XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Made goat cheese today!!! My girls are doing great! Am having a bit of xtra goat milk so thought I would take advantage of the Xtras---- GOAT CHEESE! Just the simple, nothing fancy, quick-n-easy goat cheese. Actually, it was easy but not QUICK!!! Took me an hour of stirring at low to medium heat to get the cold 'goats milk' to the temperature of 190-200 degrees---did I say AN HOUR??? That's a LONG time stirring!!! Standing and Stirring!!!
Standing and Stirring!!! That's OK---cause tomorrow we will be indulging in FRESH - HOMEMADE goats cheese---hmmmm---think of what fresh 'herby' flavors I want to add to it------------maybe just let it be a'natural!!
K---Love the name of Erma for one of the newbies, love LuLu-probably won't go with Monty, ask your Mom about that name! Am thinking there will be an Erma in the new herd!!!
Must touch a bit on Babe. Babe, born last March 24---just did not gain a lot of weight, not for sure what to do with her. She was just an itty bitty thing, thought about selling her, but she has changed so much as of late. I truly believe that she believes she will be the BEST milking goat EVER.!!!Not bred, no babies, not a drop of milk in her, but after Avalon is on her stanchion and milked, Babe comes out of the goat barn and jumps on the stanchion and we 'pretend' milking and she will be soooooooooo ready next spring after she kids----practice makes perfect!!! Will let you know how the goat cheese turns out!XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yes, yes, yes! I did take MOST of Wednesday off! Did morning chores, had lunch with a dear friend, then we spent the afternoon going through some awsome 'SHABBY-SHEEKIE SHOPS!!! Places I had never been in before, some places that I did not even know where there, one place that looked very very interesting, paper plate sign on the door--'OUT TO LUNCH-BACK AT 2.' Welllllll--it was 3:30 when we where there, sign still on the door. Must have been a heck of a lunch!!! Can't wait to go back when it's OPEN! So---went and had pie and ice cream!! DEELISH!!!

Was very fun to get 'out and about' and spend the day with 'real people!' Came home, did the evening chores! It was a fun day----so I took most of the day off but didn't lay around like these kids are doing!!! They are just as cute as can be!!! Help me think up some names for them. XOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, May 3, 2010


Is this print (coffee) color??? Non-stop day today. Very busy--but at the end of the very busy day, the 4 little goat kids are doing wonderful! Three of our breeding Midget White Tukeys went to a new and wonderful home in Boise, six of our baby Muscovy ducks went to a new and wonderful home in Nampa! Got a lawn mowed, did some errands for my elderly friend next door, actually vacuumed (no one is gonna believe that, but really really did)!!! Hit the floor running early morning, and finally got everything buttoned down at 10 pm. Sure could use that cup 'O' coffee but that would keep me awake and sleep really really really sounds wonderful at this time!

Did I mention, as I am sitting here, that I can hear the wind blowing??? Not just blowing---but blowing HARD! Hopefully, our fence will still be standing in the morning, cause if it goes down, the dogs will take advantage of that!!! XOXOXOXgmasu

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This blog is about Father Goose--and that would not be the movie 'Father Goose' starring Cary Grant. (awsome movie, by the way)! Remember last Friday???? Mamma duck had her ducklings walking 'out and about' freaking me out (that rhymes)... Well--------------as she was 'out and about' the next day walking her babies, along comes Male Goose (guy) whom I have been calling Dot, cause he has a small dark dot on his forehead. FREAKING me out----not knowing what his intentions are and I spent all day chasing him 'away' from Mamma and babies!!! (now there's a visual)!!!

This continued all day Sat. This morning, Gpa and I where watching him and came to the conclusion that he was NOT wanting to harm anyone, BUT was ACTUALLY helping Mamma Duck 'control' her 15/16 ducklings, (can't get an actual count-they move way too fast) helping her keep them gathered, in control and not wandering away from her!!! It truly was a sight to see!!! Father Goose and Mamma Duck, together, herded them down to the canal, they swam and he swam around with them and they all came back home together. I truly would not have believed it if I didn't see it!!! FATHER GOOSE (Dot) you truly amaze me!!! Maybe we should change your name to Cary Grant! I think so!!! XOXOXOXOXOgmasu. and Cary!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


After the busy day yesterday---it just keeps goin' on---these 3 Muskateers have, probably, a dozen eggs under EACH of them! Saw a turkey baby poult tonite when we where locking everyone in, soooooooooooooo what will tomorrow bring??? Bourbon Red Turkeys---great Moms!!! (taste great, too)! More tomorrow, late nite---------XOXOXOXgmasu...