Sunday, February 28, 2010


This will be the last blog on the 2010 Winter Olympics-which I have enjoyed ever sooooo much.
Watching the closing ceremonies tonight. Hockey game between Canada and USA today-what can you say about that??? Awsome game, congrats. OH CANADA!!!

Gpa says---'just take the opening ceremonies and put it in reverse, FAST' and that will suffice! Humph!!! Silly guy!!!

Costco run today, we have food, lotsa food, so if any of you show up, you won't go away hungry!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

GOIN TA TOWN, GOIN TA TOWN-not a big town, but outta town!

Wonderful breakfast 'OUT' not just out, but even 'OUT' of town! Doesn't happen very often so was such a treat! Scrambled eggs, refried beans, spanish rice, tortillas, coffee and that big glass of MILK that is a MUST with every breakfast (although, a beer would have been great with this breakfast, just a bit too early for a beer)!

Delivered some Silkie hatching eggs to a family that is just getting started in those Beautiful, Awsome Silkie Chickens that are so full of character and personality!! Hopefully, they will continue to enjoy them as much as we have over the years. Think we got our first Silkies (Chuck and Cheryl) around 2000! WOW---that's been a long time and have not been without a Silkie since.

Rained, rained and rained some more. Back to mud, almost dried out but at least we are not having earthquakes, ice storms, tons of snow and tsanameeeess (however you spell it) so have no complaints!! All is well!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Friday, February 26, 2010


Having been a fan of the Olympics as far back as I can remember---Summer?--Winter?---doesn't matter, just love watching all these wonderful, athletic, focused, determined athletes! I am always so ' in 'AWWW!' Personally, would rather be HOME watching them instead of being there in the crowds, the horrible weather with all those cameras on me and microphones in my face---PLEEZ!!!

That having been said (written) will be glad when it's over cause I am such an 'early go to bedder' and have been staying up way way past my bedtime (yawn yawn). Last night, watching the Women's Figure Skating was UNBELIEVABLE!!! Never, ever, have I seen so many wonderful lady figure skaters in one night!!! Nobody fell on their butt, and isn't that what we really want to see? THEY WHERE ALL SPECTACULAR!!! Lovin it, as I will love the next Olympics!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The 'feathered friends' ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese think it's Spring (almost here) and have been laying eggs like crazeeee. Hence, we have been gathering eggs like crazeeee but it's no longer freezing every single night, so the time has come to let these girls be responsible for the eggs they are laying. No more gathering of the duck, turkey, and geese eggs---We say---'let the games begin!' Time for them to lay, set, hatch and raise their own babes. That is what they are supposed to do. Unfortunately, the natural broodiness (setting on eggs, hatching and raising) has been bred out of too many 'feathered friends' and it's time for them to get back to doing what they are supposed to do!!!

Soooooooooooo-it will be probably twenty(ish) days before they get enough eggs to set on, then 28 days for turkey hatching, and 35 days for duck hatching, it's going to be quite a process!

YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just learned of the passing of a dear sweet person I worked with for many years. Don't know, at this time, why. She was a warm, friendly person. All who met her loved her, you just couldn't help but love her to pieces!. Kinda that type of person who would take you 'under her wing', a nurturing person, fun, loved her family with all her heart and soul. She lived a long life to the fullest, but still too young to leave us. I salute you, dear friend, I will always have the fondest of memories. You shall be greatly missed. A rose will be planted for you this Spring. gmasu...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It can be cold cold cold----but as long as the SUN SHINES and the wind does NOT blow--it's a great day---however---SUNSHINE has been lacking around here and I have little green things in the greenhouse that need a lot of SUN!!! Toms., peppers, flowers, vines, lettuces, are showing their little green heads, but am having to turn on the greenhouse heater full blast as it's getting in the teens every night and having to cover those precious green plants.. Gets about 80 during the day without the heater BUT needs to be warmer-----longer-----hmmmmm wonder how much higher my electric bill will be next month???

Takin' a break from the Olympics and watching a movie cause it's due back tomorrow! XOXOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Monday, February 22, 2010


OK OK!!-Did NOT get even a single chunck of compost out of the pickup today, BUT got the green pea climbling fences ready to go so will spread the compost around that area tomorrow.

Avalon and Babe (Nubian Goats) got to venture out this afternoon and hang out with me as I was working in one of the garden beds. They where good little girls until I was out of their sight, you know, just to get wire, tools, twine and those goodie garden things, then they cried their little eyes out---MAW MAW MAW (where are you?) They where happy when it was time to go back to their goat house--just can't deal with this big bad world!!! Goats----'lighten up a bit'!!! Tomorrow, Toasty and Joe get to come help me. OH BOY---they could be even louder! XOXOXOXOXOXO gmasu...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Had a great opportunity today to go to Weiser and get garden compost for the ridiculous price of FREE!! Thank you Aunt Staci for tracking this one down. A pickup load of wonderful wonderful compost that will go into the garden and flower beds. Met a really nice couple with the same interest----that would be those wonderful 'animals everywhere!' The lady with the compost was looking for a couple of 'setting silkies' (chickens) which I happened to have because they have been sooooo into setting, even though I scoot them off their nests daily and have taken all eggs away to discourage them from setting and hatching at this time. Am thinking these 2 girls have found a wonderful home and will do what they want to do----set, hatch and raise babies!!!

Guess you know what I will be doing for the rest of the week-----that would be unloading the compost from the back of the pickup!!! YEAH!!!!! anybody wanna help??? Must be spring!!!


Saturday, February 20, 2010


The best friends Pyrs. decided they did NOT want to be best friends yesterday when they had their 'outside' time. All over a really big, huge, yummy soup bone. Imagine that!!! Heard lotsa growling, saw BIG white teeth, 2 sets of them, there was some pink fur, couldn't get them apart so just stood back until they where through trying to decide whom the Alpha Dog was, can't say there was a real winner. Looked like a tie to me! Best buds again tonight. All was well with them! YEAH!!!

Avalon and Toasty (goats) got their pre-natal (sp) shots today cause they should be preggers, due the first of May. Cool weather today, a bit of sun but not enough!!! Back to the Olympics!! GO USA!!! XOXOXOX gmasu...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Goose Egg!!!

Totally spaced out yesterday's BLOG!!! (got too involved in the Olympics!) Of which I already had the title in my mind while doing the morning chores and that was GOOSE EGG!!! YES----our precious Goose Gals, partners of Goose Guys finally layed that FIRST golden Goose Egg! We had discussed collecting any goose eggs and putting them in the incubator---BUT---reconsidered that because the whole purpose of what we are doing on Muscovy Flats Heritage Farm is to let the animals do what comes 'natural' to them, and that sure ain't taking their eggs away and doing it 'our way!'

The place Goose Gal layed her egg is a location that we can moniter and close off when she starts 'setting' and would rather have her there than having some nest that we can not moniter. So----here's hoping she will lay her clutch, set, hatch and we will have some cute little goslings running around!!!!

My post for this evening, Fri. will be Mexican Pizza for dinner and on to the Olympics!!!!!!!!!!!
GO USA!! xoxoxox gmasu...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I was feeding and watering the Mulefoots (Pigs), Kenna and Mason (Pyrs) got into a big fight! Must have been an old nasty piece of 'something' laying around that they both wanted----anyway--- a lot of growling and vicious noise making going on! Not an unusual occurrance, so continued on with my chores. When I next got a visual on the Pyrs.---they where both setting together, Kenna had her paw on Masons back!!! They gave each other a couple of loving 'licks!' Could not believe my eyes!!! How long will this loving relationship last??? Surely until the next nasty piece of 'something' is laying around that they both want at the same time, but was a very precious visual!!! Lovin' the Olympics!!! XOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


FINALLY----got back to doing my chores! Felt good! G'pa went back to work, so I was 'back on the job!' Thanx, G'pa for doing chores so I could go see Alex-AND-spend the day with 5 grandsons, daughters, sons, and a whole bunch of extended family--what a truly great family!!!

K---'silly ducks'---as I was doing my chores and taking my routine walk along the ditch bank to see who was IN and who was OUT of the water-you know, the morning 'duck bill' count-------noticed an egg laying on the edge of the canal, in the water (barely). Why do the ducks have to have their nests so close to the water on a STEEP bank so their eggs roll into the water??? (cause their ducks!) Had to put the waders on (glamorous things that they are, (blue)), and tromp along the canal to see how many nests in the 'unreachable' area), anybody have a boat??? Did find 2 nests, with eggs, sooooooo looks like there will be an extra step to morning chores---climbing down the steep bank, wading through the canal and checking for duck eggs!!! Love those duck eggs!!! XOXOXOXOX gmasu...

Monday, February 15, 2010


Alex, loved seeing you today, especially loved seeing the improvement you made from morning to afternoon! YES YES YES!!! Isn't it wonderful to see that so many people care! What a hospital party you had!! Hopefully, you will make it home tomorrow but PLEASE REST!!! XOXOXOXOX g'masu...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Took the new subee for a spin, nice ride. Lunch out with G'pa. He's doing chores so I have no animal stories today, YET! Am sure something will happen. Only had to chase the Muscovies home once so far today!!! They took flight---always fun to watch them fly! See most of you tomorrow--Have a HAPPY HEART DAY!!! gmasu...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

G'Ma Got a Brand New Car!!!

Was going to do 'Gracee's Great Escape' story-----BUT---G'Ma went out and bought a BRAND NEW CAR! Was NOT the plan, Gus & Gracee where with us (so that will tell you that Gracee's Great Escape was unsuccsseful), so did NOT plan to buy a car! Gotta a Subaru Legacy. This Subaru that we have had for the past 8 yrs. has been great!!! The new one is a bit bigger and ya just can't beat a Subaru!!! Soooooooo----Must take it for a test drive on Monday, see you then Alex!!! Isn't that the best Valentine's gift in the world??? A BRAND NEW CAR!!! tHANK YOU, G'PA!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


OK-----boys and girls---this blog is for my grandkids out there. Hopefully giving them a quick read about what goes on in the daily life of G'ma and G'pa and what it's like at
Muscovy Flats Heritage Farm in beautiful IDEEEEHO!!!

G'pa has been gone for 3 days so is doing me a favor and taking over the evening chores.
(that's why I have time to do this).

The geese, Goose Guys and Goose Gals, are giving him a bit of extra excercise--they seem to be not staying on their own property, venturing out and exploring places where they should not
be----hmmmmm----roast goose for Valentine's dinner????? Maybe I better give him a hand!
Alex-be well! Later, G'ma su...