Monday, March 29, 2010


OK-OK-OK---Been a while since I have done a BLOG---BUT----what a WONDERFUL week!!! The boys where here for Spring VACA. Got to spend some real quality time, enjoyed EVERY single minute of it!!! D---You are such a HOOT!!! Will never understand how you so 'interact' with music!! You listen to music from every generation out there, and know every word to EVERY SONG!! You blow me away!!! I do NOT even know every word to every song of my most favorite tune at the moment that I have listened to over and over again!!! I am truly amazed!!!
N---am so enjoying how you can just electronically (not a word) 'make things happen!' Have enjoyed the upstairs, downstairs Blu Ray and DVD that you, and only YOU, could make happen!!! A---gotta tell ya, Mister, Your 'gotta poop' sign is hanging up in the bedroom with all the other signs---could NOT toss it away! V---K---you boys need to come over more often and not just wait for your cousins to be here!! Love you ALL, Miss you ALL!!!later.gmasu...

Monday, March 22, 2010


Very busy day today, me and the boys where on the go go go! So, tomorrow, we won't have to do the runaround and can get some things done around here. Cold, windy day so wasn't a lot of fun to be outdoors.

Dal made homemade ice cream this afternoon, all fresh ingredients, YUM YUM!! Alex peeled pots. for dinner and made peanut butter stuffed celery. G'pa and Alex worked on the duck/turkey broody house. Nick and I created a larger home for the turkey poults who are doing really good, just out growing their home. Much better now.

Gracee does not like having company, she is hateful, evil, and uncontrollable around 'other' people. Gus loves 'other' people and is taking full advantage of the welcoming laps to sit on or someone to snuggle up to! That's our sweet, friendly, loving Gus!!! nite nite, gmasu...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Spring break----the boys are here!!! Lots of things planned, all work, not a lot of fun, but heck, work can be fun-----huh, boys???

Little Subaru still in the shop. Ended up with 4 poults (baby turkeys) from the hatch. Not a real good hatch, but they are all very healthy, did have 5, but 1 was weak and just didn't make it!

Lightly raining tonite, (must be Spring Break)! Must go to bed, very very busy day, long trip!
YAWN YAWN!!! later---gmasu...

Thursday, March 18, 2010


A toast to you 'Little Subee'---You have so been having problems as of late, but have just been a trooper getting Gpa to work and home again! You got him to work yesterday, pulled into the parking space, spit up what was left in you and there you set. It's almost like you knew there was someone that could take over your job if need be!!! (refer to blog 'gma got a brand new car).

You knew there was the 'Big Subee' that could take over your responsibilities if you could not carry on. YOU, my dearest 'Little Subee', will be going in for repairs, facelifts, a new lease on life tomorrow and will come home all well and ready to do your job!!! What a trooper you have been and will be again!!! Of course, you must 'get well' cause Gus & Gracee can NOT take their much loved ride until you get home!! Miss you, little one!!!

Poults----3 more hatchings, and it is continuing!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Feb. 18 we put 14 turkey eggs in the incubator, Bourbon Red and Midget Whites, today, so far, we have 1 turkey poult that has hatched!!! There are 4 more that are pipping (breaking their shell and trying to get out)! SOOOOOOOOO---it will be so exciting to see how many we get hatched for the new season. MUST BE SPRING---hatching has started!!! Goose is still setting on her eggs, 1 muscovy duck, so far, is seriously setting--the 'world of hatching' has begun and is always always exciting!!! Let you know how many we have in the am!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Every day is such a WUNDERFUL day! There are some of those day, on occassion, that are kinda just 'uneventfull', that would be today---hey---I could say I cleaned both bathrooms, gotta haircut, cleaned the laundry room along with the daily CHORES, and you would go 'BORRRRRING'!! Don't blame ya---it's rare that the xtra time allows for those xtra things that really really need to be done and can't quite get around to it!! Maybe something to do with the time change and a little xtra time during the day---who knows----------maybe tomorrow I will paint the laundry room!! NAWWWWWWWWWWW--cleaned it today, don't want to mess it up with PAINT!!! XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Monday, March 15, 2010


Spinning in circles trying to figure out what chore needed to be done at what time!!! DO NOT 'clock watch' when doing chores!!! Just let the animals be your guide! Consequently-----we stayed up later than usual watching Spartacus---on the computer, cause it's an AWSOME series and having no sense of time---watched TWO episodes (ie: 2 hrs. worth!!!)

Kind of a shame when there is nothing you want to watch on the BIG SCREEN TV that you payed a gazillion $$$$ for, but there is something on the teeny weeny computer screen that you really really want to watch and huddle up in front of that teeny weeny screen for 2 hrs. NO comfy chair, not even any of that great old fashioned yummy popcorn! Just really a good series--too late to watch tonite, but may watch tomorrow night!!! (I'm hooked on Spartacus)!!!

SUNNY day, beautiful, worked in the greenhouse transplanting basil---I could smell the BASIL-------think we will have pasta tomorrow night for dinner!! XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Just a reminder to all you 'humans' --you MUST spring forward your clocks tonight OR the world may spin out of control!!!!!

OK----to my 'furry and feathered' friends--not to worry, because 'the sun comes up and the sun goes down' (when we are honored to have the sun) and your schedule does not change a bit! ONLY US HUMANS!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Friday, March 12, 2010


YEAH!!! FRI!!! Wind is blowing a gazillion mph, some rain tossed in there, supposed to be snow on the ground by morning! (yeah fri.) Friday night 'pizza nite'! YUMMMMM homemade pizza, really really great! Homemade crust, some red onions, goat cheez, italian sausage and it just all came together tonight. Doesn't always come together on 'FRI. NIGHT, PIZZA NIGHT! Watched a movie, Whiteout, not that spectacular! BUT----when it's Fri. night, pizza and a movie night, you must watch something! Hopefully, will get a chance to watch 2012 tomorrow night! Will letcha know, if I remember-----XOXOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Interesting observations today--as you know, we have turkey eggs in the incubator, that should start hatching March 18, will keep you up on that! Have a goose that started setting on her, approx. 10 goose eggs, there also may be a few duck eggs in there. Have tried to keep the duck eggs pulled, but those ducks can be pretty sneaky, sooooooo -- geese set for 30-34 days, will see what happens there. Goslings are so so so cute!!! BUUTTT--that's not all---------White Muscovy Duck setting on approx. 10 eggs out the back kitchen door! Started seriously setting 2 days ago, and they will start hatching in 35 days!

Two turkeys in different nests down in the chicken coop yard are also seriously setting. 28 days for turkey poults to hatch out! HELLS BELLS----there could be a whole lotta 'baby feathered friends' running around in a month!!! Won't that be FUN???? Always love the spring hatching!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tomorrow is 'garbage day' THURS. Seems to me like garbage day comes around so so so FAST! Pleez, slow this merry-go-round down! Weather was much more tolerant today. Sun did shine, wind did NOT blow quite as hard as yesterday, still a bit 'breezy'! HEY-----it's MARCH!!! Time changes this next weekend. SPRING FORWARD! Am looking for that 'xtra' dark time in the am. Just that extra few minutes for that extra sip of coffee before it gets light enough that all the animals--- ducks, geese, chickens, dogs, goats, cats, mulefoots, etc. etc. etc. are begging for attention ie: (food).

Just that little bit of extra time of 'ANIMAL FREE ZONE' for 30 minutes when I 'welcome darkness' before the feeding frenzy starts!! Don't mis-judge me, love my animals to pieces, but LOVE that 'alone, sipping on a good strong cup-o-coffee time to get me goin'!!!
Love my life!!! XOXOXOXgmasu...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Missed last night--someone (else) was on the puter for hrs and hrs so I just made phone calls! Happy Birthday to my first born---41 yrs. just a 'kid.' WOW' was that a fast 41 years!!! Congrats. and Happy Birthday!!! May the next 41 years slow down a bit for both you and me!

So so so COLD and WINDY today! Was tuff doing chores. Seemed like it got colder and windier as the day went by. Was so comforting to be inside and I always prefer being OUTSIDE!! Must be March!! That stove felt mighty fine indeed!

Homemade ice cream today---fresh (frozen) raspberry, wish you where all here to take part---ice cream on a COLD and WINDY day??? What's with that??? XOXOXOXOXOXO's to ALL-gmasu...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Vaca. time must come to an end, and the time comes to go back to that 'job' that allows you to take that VACA!!! Gpa goes back to to work tomorrow. We are soooo thankful, every day, that he has a job to go to unlike so many people at this time. Probably looking forward to it cause as you all know----it's a LOT OF WORK around here!!! He could be ready for a 'change!' Got a lot accomplished this week so that made it a really great VACA!!!

Watching the Academy Awards tonight, kinda fun to watch once a year (sometimes). Will see if there is something 'out there' we may need to watch.

Peas got planted this morning!! YEAH!!!!---garlic is up, greenhouse is full---ALL IS WELL!!!
Someone has a BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


What a very very busy week! Gpa on vaca but was definately a 'working vaca!' Got lots and lots done. The weather was supposed to be rainy a few days during 'vaca week' but was nice every day! Built new fences, weeded, tilled, raked things and did all those wonderful spring things! All seedlings that have been planted are doing great, will plant peas tomorrow!

SOOOOOOOOOO, finally----last night, after everyone was fed, tucked in, dinner done, we sat down and watched a movie (Inglorious Bastards) have had it from Netflix for approx. 3 weeks and have NOT had a chance to watch it. Gpa made some of his famous really really HOMEMADE POPCORN! shake shake shake, sat down to watch the movie----lots of subtitles!!! Was NOT prepared to read my way through a movie at that late time of nite---but, actually, it was pretty darn good! AND--I even kept up on the 'reading part' sooooo no snickering from any of yas!!!XOXOXOgmasu...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Celebration of Life today for a Dear Friend. It was truly a packed house. She would be proud to know she had so many friends and such a loving family. There where many many people there, it was almost impossible to find a place to park. Beautiful flowers, lovely family photos, am sure there was lots of delicious food but did not stay after the service.

Thank you, Dear Friend, for letting me share a small part of your life. You left this world much too soon. May you Rest In Peace...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Mother Earth News had a wonderful newsletter today on LGD's. Livestock Guardian Dogs, Great Pyrenees! You bet I read the whole newsletter! We have 3 Great Pyrenees, big, huge, white, lovable teddy bear dogs!! Went a lot of years not having dogs cause we had chickens, not all dogs go with chickens. Most dogs to NOT get along with chickens! After several years of research on what dog would go with chickens (really, took a lot of time) we decided on the Great Pyrenees, to guard and protect our feathered friends. We also decided that it would be a hoot to have a Basset Hound because the Pyr. we chose would need a friend.

Pyrs. are not easy to find, Bassets are not easy to find but we eventually found the perfect pair of dogs. One Basset (Gus) 1 Pyr. (Mason). All was well!!!

Mason died on Jan. 28, 2007, we had him for almost 3 months. He had a heart problem which our Vet. had detected and we were keeping watch on it. He just layed down in the garden and died. We were so devistated and had a huge void in our hearts that needed filled, immediately! Found a Pyr. dog in the paper that needed re-homing, our prayers where answered, turned out to be Mason's half sister!!!

Beautiful, gorgeous young female Pyr. with eyes that could melt your heart away!!! (Kenna) However------she was 'encouraged', to CHASE feathered friends, not PROTECT them!! That has been an uphill battle for 3 yrs. but she is sooooo improving!!! Just can't quite trust her yet, but we are confident that day will come.

Letting the breeders of Mason know of the circumstances that we lost him, they 'replaced' Mason with a 7 month male Pyr., what we refer as a 'rescue dog.' OMG----our beloved TazMan- when we first met him, was in very bad condition, physically and mentally. Did not know how this venture would turn out, but he needed lotsa food and lotsa lotsa love. Has had it all since he came to us and is the most loving, precious, loyal, kind hearted soul on the place!

Gracee---female Basset. Got her April 1 (what fools are we???) Thought maybe Gus needed a galfriend, her family was involved in going to Iraq and needed to downsize their animals. Who better to take her than WE! She's ornery, hateful, hates everyone in the whole world, including the other dogs, but loves US with all her heart and soul, so here she will stay! Even Gus can barely tolerate her!!! Hopefully, time will mellow her as it has me!!!

Along comes Mason #2---ya know, I just saw an ad on the local feed store wall of these cute little Pyr. puppies and had to go check them out! Mason #2 was born on Jan. 28 2009, the same day we lost Mason #1, 2 years earlier! Dontcha just think that's a sign??? It was 'love at first sight' he had to be here!! Mason #2 is the 'new kid on the block' and just brought the kid out in Kenna, TazMan and Gus (no hope for Gracee? yeah, there is!). Mason #2 just brought everyone together.

Our Gus (first dog, Basset) has been with us since Oct. 2006. He has matured soooo much. Has become the 'I love to please you dog.' Truly 'Man's Best Friend.' He has developed into such a 'great friend!' Gracee??? time will tell!!! Having dogs takes a lot of time and a lot of patience but the rewards are truly wonderful!!!

Why do we have 5 dogs???? Cause they needed us and we sure need all of them!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Member yesterday's blog and working in the lavendar garden??? Man oh Man does my bod feel it today! Not quite used to that constant bending that comes with garden work. Best to work into it GRADUALLY!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH! So, basically, today was 'easy on the bod' chores. Spent most of the day in the greenhouse planting new seeds and transplanting those precious plants that have outgrown their 'dirty' little homes---needing more space---stretching out. They got that new spacious home today! Good weather, goats got out to graze. Olympics over-Truly do welcome back Tues. night for NCIS's and the Good Wife. All is well! Hmmmmm, think I smell popcorn!!! XOXOXOXOXgmasu...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Worked in the lavender garden all afternoon cutting back the lavender that should have been cut back last fall. (better late than never???) Gus and Gracee where my little helpers??? Thank you gpa for starting the cutting back yesterday. That kicked me in the butt to finish the project!!

Gpa brought in some 'fresh cut rosemary' this evening to put on the lamb chops that we bbqued--made us think of the best smells in our memory----- rosemary-mmmmmmmm----lavender, of course, been with it all day, the MOST wonderful smell in the world, fresh cut alfalfa--what is better than that??? Maybe the smell of a SAWMILL---gotta tell ya--not a smell that most of you have grown up with-but-my Dad worked in a sawmill, I worked in a sawmill, Gpa worked in a sawmill and we had these wonderful sawmill smells growing up---nothing like it---there is nothing like the smell of a sawmill. Wish I could bottle it up and share it with all!!! If you ever get near a sawmill----take a deep breath and ENJOY the fragrance!!! XOXOXOXOXOXgmasu...